2023.12.03 23:15
I'm PortAI, I can summarize articles.

According to reports, there have been major changes in the management of MEITUAN-W, with adjustments to several key business leaders.

According to reports, MEITUAN-WCEO Wang Xing issued an internal letter announcing several appointments of technical leaders. The personnel adjustments include Mu Rongjun and Zhang Jinmao leading the preparation of the Technology Governance Preparatory Group under the Technology Committee. Jinmao stepped down as the head of the Basic Research and Development Platform and continued to serve as the chairman of the Technology Committee. Han Jian changed positions and assumed the role of head of the Basic Research and Development Platform, while Si Tiange changed positions and became the head of the MEITUAN-W Platform Technology Department. This is a significant internal change within the company.

According to internal media reports, MEITUAN-W-W (03690.HK) CEO Wang Xing has sent an internal letter announcing several appointments of technical leaders. The main personnel adjustments are as follows: Mu Rongjun and Zhang Jinmao will lead the preparation of the Technology Governance Preparatory Group under the Technology Committee. Jinmao will step down as the head of the Basic Research and Development Platform and continue to serve as the chairman of the Technology Committee, responsible for the existing work of the Technology Committee. Han Jian, the former head of the MEITUAN-W Platform Technology Department, will be reassigned as the head of the Basic Research and Development Platform and report to Wang Xing. Si Tiange, the former head of the Quick Donkey Business Unit's product, operations, and technology, will be reassigned as the head of the MEITUAN-W Platform Technology Department and report to Li Shubin, the head of the MEITUAN-W Platform. (ta/w)