2023.12.04 01:52
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Hong Kong Stock Market Update | LI AUTO-W drops over 4% as market worries about the impact of Huawei's new car on LI AUTO-W's orders and sales.

LI AUTO-W fell more than 4% in early trading, and as of the time of writing, it has dropped 4.84% to HKD 139.5, with a turnover of HKD 2.232 billion. On the news front, JAC announced that it has signed a "Smart New Energy Vehicle Cooperation Agreement" with Huawei Terminal Co., Ltd., with the first cooperative model being an MPV. Guotai Junan Securities believes that the future focus of new forces in the industry will be on accelerating the intelligent driving process and large MPVs as a new driving force for sales. It is expected that the industry's trend of trading volume for price and the theme of intelligence will continue. It is reported that Li Auto recently released its first pure electric MPV, MEGA, with a price of less than 600,000 yuan, and deliveries will begin in February next year. TF Securities stated that the market is concerned about the negative impact of Huawei's entry into the new car market on LI AUTO-W's orders and sales. From the perspective of orders and deliveries, the current impact is limited. We believe that Huawei's breakthrough effect has successfully penetrated more traditional fuel vehicle users, essentially expanding the market space for extended-range and large SUVs.

Zhitong App learned that LI AUTO-W (02015) fell more than 4% in early trading. As of the time of writing, it has dropped 4.84% to HKD 139.5, with a turnover of HKD 2.232 billion.

On the news front, JAC announced that it has signed a "Smart New Energy Vehicle Cooperation Agreement" with Huawei Terminal Co., Ltd., with the first cooperative model being an MPV. Guotai Junan Securities believes that the future focus of new forces in the industry will be on accelerating the intelligent driving process and large MPVs as a new driving force for sales. It is expected that the industry's trend of trading volume for price and the theme of intelligence will continue.

It is reported that Li Auto recently released its first pure electric MPV, MEGA, with a price of less than 600,000 yuan, and delivery will begin in February next year. TF Securities stated that the market is concerned about the negative impact of Huawei's entry into the new car market on LI AUTO-W's orders and sales. However, based on current orders and deliveries, the impact is limited. We believe that Huawei's breakthrough effect has successfully penetrated more traditional fuel vehicle users, essentially expanding the market space for extended-range and large-space SUVs.