2023.12.04 04:19
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SINO BIOPHARM has been awarded the "2023 Forbes China ESG Innovative Enterprise".

SINO BIOPHARM has been named "2023 Forbes China ESG Innovation Enterprise" for its outstanding performance in the field of ESG innovation. The company is at the forefront of pharmaceutical research and development and promotes sustainable development through high-quality ESG management practices. SINO BIOPHARM has achieved excellent results in corporate governance, environmental protection, and social responsibility.

Zhitong App News: SINO BIOPHARM (01177) has announced that it has been named the "2023 Forbes China ESG Innovation Enterprise" for its outstanding performance in the field of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) innovation.

The "2023 Forbes China ESG Innovation Enterprise Selection" was launched by Forbes China to showcase the differentiated advantages of leading enterprises in the field of ESG innovation and their outstanding contributions to regional and even global challenges, helping the entire business community move towards a more sustainable future.

This selection focuses on four dimensions: "enterprise growth, ESG practice, innovation execution, and industry influence," covering multiple industries such as pharmaceuticals, finance, energy, environmental protection, industrial manufacturing, real estate, and enterprise technology. It aims to recognize representative ESG innovation examples in China, showcase the achievements of Chinese enterprises in ESG innovation, and analyze and discover the current status and future trends of ESG development in China. After months of evaluation by expert judges, SINO BIOPHARM stood out with its forward-looking innovative practices in the ESG field.

As a leading innovative research and development-driven pharmaceutical group in China, SINO BIOPHARM has always adhered to technological innovation and continuously accelerated differentiated and international innovation, contributing more Chinese strength to the high-quality development of the Chinese pharmaceutical industry and the construction of a global health community. In 2022, the group's research and development investment reached RMB 4.454 billion, a year-on-year increase of 16.6%. Whether in terms of absolute value, growth rate, or investment proportion, SINO BIOPHARM's investment in innovative research and development is at the forefront of the industry. Currently, the company's innovative transformation is entering a period of harvest, with net revenue from innovative drugs reaching RMB 6.75 billion in 2022, a year-on-year increase of 20%.

While adhering to innovative research and development, SINO BIOPHARM upholds the concept of sustainable development and is committed to practicing the group's corporate mission of "improving the quality of life and maintaining the dignity of life" through high-quality ESG management. The company has carried out a number of ESG innovation practices and achieved good results in corporate governance, environmental protection, social responsibility, and other aspects.

In terms of corporate governance, the group continues to enhance the professionalism, independence, and diversity of the board of directors, ensuring full consideration of ESG in major decision-making processes. At the same time, the group is committed to conducting business activities in accordance with the highest ethical standards, building a transparent, honest, and ethical business ecosystem, and striving to create a culture of integrity and transparency.

In terms of environmental protection, SINO BIOPHARM has always adhered to the concept of green development and continuously built an environmentally friendly enterprise. Several key member companies have been awarded the titles of provincial and national "green factories." At the same time, the group has officially launched the "Carbon Neutrality Path Planning Project," systematically promoting low-carbon transformation measures such as process optimization, iteration of high-energy-consuming equipment, application of renewable energy, and construction of a green industrial chain to effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In terms of social responsibility, SINO BIOPHARM actively innovates and explores various charitable activities, contributing to the cause of charity and public welfare. Since 2020, the group member company, ZHENGDA TIANQING Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., has jointly initiated the "Clear Sky Plan" with multiple parties to raise funds for families of seriously ill patients in need, helping them overcome difficulties. As of October 2023, the total amount of funds raised in the project's history exceeded RMB 26 million, with more than 1.47 million people participating.

In the future, SINO BIOPHARM will adhere to innovation-driven development, working together with employees and partners from all walks of life to create a sustainable future. With deep expertise and the integration of knowledge and action, we will seek health and well-being for more patients, create a win-win situation for the environment and society, and contribute to a more sustainable future for society.