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2024.04.22 02:14
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腾讯大涨 5.5%,《DNF 手游》定档 ,有望贡献可观收入

腾讯宣布,2024 年 5 月 21 日《地下城与勇士:起源》(《DNF 手游》)将正式上线。光大证券指出,《地下城与勇士》手游得益于 DNF 这一 IP 的影响力,有望成为稳定且盈利能力强的产品,上线后为腾讯 24 年贡献可观业绩增量。

According to the Zhitong Finance and Economics APP, Tencent (00700) rose nearly 5% in the morning session, up 4.67% as of the time of publication, trading at HKD 318 with a turnover of HKD 4.205 billion.

On the news front, Tencent announced that on May 21, 2024, "Dungeon & Fighter: Origin" ("DNF Mobile Game") will officially go online. Everbright Securities pointed out that the mobile game "Dungeon & Fighter" benefits from the influence of the DNF IP and is expected to become a stable and profitable product. It is expected to contribute significantly to Tencent's performance in 2024 after going online. The firm also noted that from September 2022 to February 2024, Tencent's various games received approval for publication, especially the "DNF" mobile game, which exceeded expectations, demonstrating a positive attitude from the regulatory authorities.

In addition, Tencent will announce its first-quarter performance for the 2024 fiscal year on May 14. BOC International expects Tencent's revenue to grow moderately by 5% year-on-year to RMB 157 billion. The gross profit margin and adjusted net profit margin are expected to reach 49.7% and 27.3%, respectively, in line with market expectations. The firm believes that the group's focus on high-quality growth strategies provides a clear determinant for future financial conditions. It is expected that revenue will accelerate year-on-year from the second quarter to the fourth quarter, coupled with a strong capital return plan, maintaining a "buy" rating with a target price of HKD 407