2024.07.05 02:03
I'm PortAI, I can summarize articles.

Tomorrow morning's interview, attracting global market attention

Can Biden seize the opportunity to prove his abilities?

Biden suffered a disastrous performance in the TV debate last week, with the market beginning to price in a "Republican victory" and the return of the "Trump trade".

In the past week, the US bond curve steepened, oil prices rose, US stocks rose, and volatility increased, with better performance seen in US bank, healthcare, and energy stocks.

How long can the "Trump trade" last? Will Biden withdraw from the race? Does he still have a chance to turn the tide? Tomorrow's interview program is particularly crucial.

Biden will have a face-to-face conversation with ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos, with a preview of the program to be aired after recording on July 5th; at 8 a.m. on Saturday Beijing time, which is the "golden time" of Friday night in the Eastern US, the full interview program will be broadcast; and a replay will also be shown on the local Sunday program "This Week".

It is worth mentioning that ABC's interview will be pre-recorded and edited. In response to strong opposition to the recording and editing format, ABC has promised to release the full interview recording.

The duration of the interview is also important. Analysis suggests that Biden's campaign team will try to control the interview time to ensure that Biden answers questions in the best state, avoiding mistakes or long periods of fatigue.

The media indicates that Stephanopoulos may only spend 15 minutes on what should have been an in-depth interview.

A source said the interview time may be around 20 minutes. However, for an experienced interviewer, this is still a relatively short time and may not cover questions about Biden's cognitive state and whether he can continue to run for president.

This will be a crucial opportunity for Biden to prove himself and shape a favorable image. In last week's debate, Biden's incoherent speech, weak voice, and vacant gaze were evident.

After the debate, Biden's responses in the following week disappointed both the Democratic Party and major donors. Some media comments described Biden's response as using a "deafening silence" to address widespread panic.

Biden's recent efforts to consolidate public opinion have been disappointing. Last Saturday, at a star-studded fundraising event in the Hamptons, Biden heightened concerns about his health. The event was tightly controlled, with Biden delivering a speech with the help of a teleprompter, and even in front of a friendly audience, he struggled to engage in unscripted dialogue.

Similarly, when Biden took to the White House podium to discuss the Supreme Court ruling providing former President Trump with significant legal immunity, he stuck to the script and left without answering any questions from reporters.

This weekend, Biden will participate in campaign events in the swing states of Wisconsin and Pennsylvania