2024.08.15 00:22

Tencent responds to "Apple tax controversy": Not bypassing through in-app purchases, currently negotiating with Apple, hoping to achieve a win-win-win situation

Previously, Apple was exposed to forcing WeChat to block payment vulnerabilities, aiming to levy a 30% Apple tax on the rapidly growing WeChat mini-games in recent years. In response, Tencent executives stated that they hope to achieve commercialization under economically sustainable and fair conditions. Currently, this discussion is ongoing. "There is a natural tension between the game industry or digital content industry and the app store, the fundamental reason being that the app store charges up to 30% of revenue for games and similar forms of digital content." Tencent executives said, "The game industry considers this a very heavy burden." Tencent expressed hope that the discussion will yield positive results, as it would be a win-win-win outcome, "but if the discussion does not progress, the current situation will continue. If the discussion progresses, it may bring incremental revenue to us, game developers, and possibly to Apple, and will definitely provide a better experience for Apple users."