LB Select
2024.03.14 08:28
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Besides NVIDIA getting cheaper as it rises, there are 25 others.

25 companies including Uber, Amazon, GE, cruise stocks RCL and CCL, Intel, and others.

NVIDIA can be said to be getting cheaper as it rises. The current P/E ratio of NVIDIA is even lower than before the release of ChatGPT, why is it getting cheaper as it rises? Because its profits have increased sixfold.

The future 12-month valuation and stock price trend of NVIDIA:

NVIDIA's EPS and stock price trend per share:

It's not just NVIDIA that is getting cheaper as it rises, the following 25 majorly rising US stocks are also "getting cheaper as they rise".

As of last Friday, the S&P 500 index has risen by 30% in the past year (excluding dividends). FactSet analysts' consensus expectations for rolling 12-month weighted earnings per share have only increased by 10% compared to the same period last year. Therefore, as of the close on Friday, the forward P/E ratio of the index has risen from 17.6 a year ago to 20.7. This is one of the reasons some investors believe that the overall US stock market is relatively expensive.

The chart shows that in the S&P 500 index, 25 stocks have risen by at least 15% in the past year, with their consensus rolling EPS expectations rising even faster.