2024.05.06 21:19
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Griffin still expects a rate cut this year

Ken Griffin, the founder of Citadel, believes that despite the Federal Reserve's cautious approach to rate cuts, he thinks the Fed will cut rates this year

One of the world's largest hedge funds, Citadel, founder Ken Griffin predicts that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates this year.

On May 6th, according to media reports, at the Milken Institute Global Conference on Monday, Ken Griffin, founder of Citadel, one of the world's largest hedge funds, predicted that if the Federal Reserve chooses to stay put in September, it is likely to cut interest rates in December this year. Despite the Federal Reserve's cautious stance, he still believes that there will be an interest rate cut action by the Federal Reserve this year.

Previously, Griffin expressed support for the cautious policy adopted by the Federal Reserve. In March, he warned that the Federal Reserve should be cautious when lowering interest rates to avoid the risk of raising rates in the future.

Griffin founded the hedge fund Citadel in 1990. According to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, Griffin's net worth exceeds $37 billion