2024.05.06 20:46
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Continuing military actions against Russia while participating in ceasefire negotiations, oil and gold are fluctuating

Media reports citing Hamas sources stated that Hamas informed Qatar and Egypt mediators that Hamas accepted their ceasefire proposal. This news caused a decline in crude oil and gold prices during trading. However, subsequent reports indicated that Israel would not take Hamas seriously, leading to another rise in oil prices. The latest development is that Israel stated it will continue military operations against Hamas while also participating in ceasefire negotiations

In the early hours of May 7th Beijing time, media cited Hamas reports that Hamas informed Qatar and Egypt mediators that Hamas accepted their ceasefire proposal:

According to CCTV News, on the evening of May 6th local time, Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) leaders told the media that Hamas had informed the mediators and agreed to the ceasefire proposal they provided.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Egypt's Cairo News TV station cited senior officials from Egypt's intelligence department on the 6th, reporting that the Egyptian delegation responsible for mediating the ceasefire in the Gaza Strip received a "positive response" from the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and Israel.

After the news came out, WTI crude oil futures fell by about $1 in the short term to below $78 per barrel, and fell by 0.2% overall during the day.

The increase in safe-haven asset gold narrowed during the trading day, with spot gold rising by 0.77% to around $2320.

However, WTI crude oil futures later rose by 0.35% to $78.38. According to media reports, an Israeli source claimed that Israel would not take Hamas seriously.

According to CCTV News, on the evening of May 6th local time, Israeli media cited senior officials as saying that the Israeli ceasefire negotiation team had recently received feedback from the mediators regarding Hamas's agreement to the ceasefire, and will carefully evaluate this. In addition, an Israeli Defense Forces spokesperson told local media that Israel is considering Hamas's response to the ceasefire proposal and any possible ways to facilitate the release of relevant detainees. However, according to Israeli officials cited by the media, Hamas announced that the ceasefire agreement it accepted had been unilaterally modified by Egypt, rather than based on the draft proposed by Israel.

On Monday, international oil prices rose by over 0.4%, as investors weighed Israel and Hamas' attitudes towards the ceasefire proposal. WTI June crude oil futures rose by $0.37, up over 0.47%, to $78.48 per barrel. Brent July crude oil futures rose by $0.37, up over 0.44%, to $83.33 per barrel.

According to CCTV News citing Israeli media reports, on the evening of the 6th local time, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu held a telephone meeting with members of the wartime cabinet to discuss Hamas' latest response to the ceasefire agreement. Israeli media reported that after the wartime cabinet meeting, Israel unanimously decided to continue military operations against Rafah to exert military pressure on Hamas and push for the release of Israeli detainees, among other related objectives. At the same time, Israel believes that despite Hamas' so-called agreement to the draft agreement falling far short of Israel's demands, Israel will still send a delegation to participate in the relevant ceasefire negotiations. This news has not been officially confirmed by Israel at this time.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the Israeli Defense Forces said on the evening of the 6th that they were conducting large-scale targeted airstrikes on Rafah, the southernmost city in the Gaza Strip.

According to CCTV News, around 22:00 local time on May 6th, the Israeli Defense Forces issued a statement stating that they were currently targeting specific Hamas military targets in eastern Rafah in the Gaza Strip. It is currently unclear whether this signifies the start of a ground operation in Rafah by the Israeli military. In the evening of May 6th, Israeli Defense Forces spokesperson Daniel Hagari stated that the Israeli military launched airstrikes on over 50 Hamas targets in the Rafah area that day, and mentioned that the Israeli military was prepared to conduct ground operations in eastern Rafah based on the evacuation of local residents.

On May 6th local time, Iranian Foreign Minister Abdollahian spoke with Hamas political bureau leader Haniyeh. Haniyeh communicated with Abdollahian about the ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip. Haniyeh stated that Hamas responded to the ceasefire agreement proposed by Egypt and Qatar with sincerity, including Israel ceasing its war in the Gaza Strip, the exchange of detainees, and the lifting of the blockade on the Gaza Strip. Abdollahian expressed Iran's support for the plan proposed to achieve the rights of the Palestinian people, including lifting sanctions on the Palestinian people, lifting the blockade on the Gaza Strip, and a complete Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip