2024.06.12 13:38
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The EU plans to impose tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Volkswagen respond!

The EU plans to impose tariffs on Chinese electric cars, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Volkswagen respond! Mercedes-Benz warns that protectionist trends will bring negative consequences, Volkswagen believes that the disadvantages of tariffs outweigh the benefits, and BMW states that the EU's decision is wrong. Volkswagen calls for trade negotiations with China, while BMW says that imposing tariffs hinders the development of European car companies

Mercedes-Benz Responds to EU's Proposed Tariffs on Chinese Electric Cars: Negative Consequences if Protectionism Rises

On the evening of June 12th, in response to the European Commission's disclosure of preliminary rulings on anti-subsidy investigations into Chinese electric cars, Mercedes-Benz Group stated, "We are concerned about the relevant interim measures announced by the EU. Mercedes-Benz has always supported free trade based on WTO rules, including the principle that all market participants should enjoy equal treatment. Free trade and fair competition will bring prosperity, growth, and innovation to all parties. If protectionism rises, it will have negative consequences for all relevant stakeholders."

Volkswagen: EU's Tariffs on Chinese Electric Cars Do More Harm than Good

Regarding the EU's decision to impose additional tariffs on electric cars imported from China, German Volkswagen stated on June 12th that they oppose such "anti-subsidy tariffs," stating that the negative impact of the EU's decision outweighs any potential benefits to Europe, especially to the German automotive industry. "Raising import tariffs may trigger a series of serious measures and countermeasures, leading to an escalation of trade conflicts."

Volkswagen mentioned that the timing of the European Commission's decision exacerbates the already weak demand for electric cars in Germany and Europe. Volkswagen called on the European Commission to engage in trade negotiations with China in the second half of the year to find another solution that "fairly treats the competitive situation of European car manufacturers without unnecessarily restricting the regulations of free trade."

BMW Group Responds to EU's Tariffs on Chinese Electric Cars

According to a report by Shanghai Securities News, regarding the EU's decision to impose tariffs on Chinese electric cars, a BMW China official stated to Shanghai Securities News reporters on the evening of June 12th that the BMW Group has taken note of the new tariff rates imposed by the EU on Chinese electric cars.

The BMW Group has a clear stance on anti-subsidy investigations. BMW Group Chairman Zipse commented on the EU's tax increase measures as follows: "The European Commission's decision to impose tariffs on Chinese electric cars is a wrong decision. Imposing tariffs will hinder the development of European car companies and also harm Europe's own interests. Trade protectionism will inevitably trigger chain reactions: responding to tariffs with tariffs, replacing cooperation with isolation. For the BMW Group, protectionist measures such as increasing import tariffs cannot help companies enhance global competitiveness. The BMW Group firmly supports free trade."