2024.06.13 08:58
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Another complaint! Meta "fires up" in Norway for using user data to train AI models

Meta Platforms faces complaints from Norwegian authorities for planning to use data from users on Facebook and Instagram to train artificial intelligence models. The Norwegian Consumer Council believes that the company has violated EU data protection laws and has urged the Data Protection Authority to assess the legality of Meta's actions. This is another recent complaint that Meta has faced, having previously received a warning from the European Court of Justice. The complaint was drafted by the European Center for Digital Rights and will be submitted to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority and other European data protection agencies

According to the Zhītōng Finance and Economics APP, Meta Platforms (META.US) has been complained by Norwegian authorities for planning to use images and posts from Facebook and Instagram users to train artificial intelligence models. The Norwegian Consumer Council stated in a declaration on Thursday that the opt-out process chosen by the platform violates EU data protection laws and believes that the company "intentionally caused trouble by using deceptive design patterns and ambiguous language".

Last Thursday, Meta received 11 complaints as the proposed changes would allow the company to use personal data to train its AI models without consent, potentially violating EU privacy rules. The tech giant has also been warned by the European Court of Justice to ensure that public information about sexual orientation is not used for personalized advertising.

IngerLise Blyverket, head of the Norwegian Consumer Council, stated, "We urge the Data Protection Authority to assess whether Meta's practices are legal and ensure that the company's operations comply with legal requirements."

The legal complaint was drafted by the European Digital Rights Center and will be submitted to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority and other European data protection agencies. The Irish Data Protection Commission will lead the process as its EU headquarters are located in Dublin