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2024.06.13 01:43
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Jia Yueting: Only by conquering the US market can Chinese cars truly achieve globalization. Considering launching a high-volume second brand

Jia Yueting stated that ten years ago, he predicted that China's smart electric vehicles would overtake others, and now this has been achieved by everyone; currently, the domestic smart electric vehicle industry is highly competitive, appearing to be thriving, but everyone is very anxious

LeEco and Faraday Future FF founder Jia Yueting released a video on June 13, stating that "Only by conquering the U.S. market can (domestic cars) truly achieve globalization."

Jia Yueting mentioned that ten years ago, he predicted that Chinese smart electric cars would overtake others, and now this has been achieved by many; currently, the domestic smart electric car industry is highly competitive and intense, appearing to be thriving, but everyone is very anxious.

With the U.S. government imposing a 100% import tariff on Chinese electric vehicles, do Chinese car companies still have a chance to enter the U.S. market?

In response, FF is willing to act as a bridge for Sino-U.S. automotive industry exchanges, helping domestic car companies solve this industry challenge.

Jia Yueting revealed that he will share more insights at the "China Automotive Blue Book Forum" and unveil the Sino-U.S. automotive industry bridge strategy.

It is reported that in the bridge strategy proposed by Faraday Future, they will leverage FF's unique value to integrate the strengths of the U.S. automotive industry with those of Chinese automotive companies and supply chains, creating original value for Sino-U.S. automotive industry partners in OEM supply chains and FF itself.

Furthermore, Faraday will introduce high-quality and low-cost Chinese supply chains to provide American consumers with high-quality and affordable products.

They will also empower the core technology used in the FF91, priced at over $300,000, in mainstream American models, allowing American consumers to enjoy the ultimate luxury of cutting-edge technology.

This initiative aims to drive Chinese automotive companies to go global and promote the popularization and development of the American AI EV industry.

In the official announcement of Faraday Future's completion of the delivery of the 12th vehicle, Jia Yueting stated:

"FF is considering launching a second brand under the Sino-U.S. automotive industry bridge strategy. This brand will empower FF's high-value solutions and features into future mainstream products, allowing more individual investors and users to enjoy our cutting-edge technology and luxury."

Source: MyDrivers