Yahoo Asia
2024.07.25 19:20
I'm PortAI, I can summarize articles.

【Central Decryption】XPeng AI autonomous driving technology to be released next Tuesday

XPeng Motors will hold an AI self-driving technology conference next Tuesday, launching the largest update in history for the XNGP intelligent assisted driving system, while also introducing a breakthrough in the new Tianji XOS 5.2.0. Chairman He Xiaopeng expressed his admiration for Tesla's Full Self-Driving (FSD) system on Weibo, believing that "end-to-end + large model" will be the ultimate way to achieve Level 4 autonomous driving. The XPeng Robotaxi plan is set to launch in 2026, taking a different approach from Tesla by collaborating with partners to drive this transformation

小鵬汽車(09868)昨日於微博宣布,下周二(30 日)晚上 7 時半舉行 AI 智駕技術發布會,更豪言其 XNGP(智能輔助駕駛系統)即將迎來史上最大更新,小鵬 AI 天璣 XOS 5.2.0 將有全新突破。


何小鵬表示,對 FSD 非常讚賞,最近與 L4 級自動駕駛的人士溝通,認為端到端是 L2 或 L3 的最佳路線,但一定不是 L4 的優選。他自己認為「端到端 + 大模型」會最終到 L4。

至於特斯拉預計今年 10 月發布的 Robotaxi,何小鵬稱,特斯拉從車到營運環節均參與,有別於小鵬。小鵬 Robotaxi 仍會按既定節奏在 2026 年推出,且不會介入運營,會與合作夥伴一起推動這場變革。