2024.09.19 12:26
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"Post-70s" asset management expert promoted to vice president of a major bank, once single-handedly brought CITIC BANK Wealth Management into the top three in the industry

CITIC BANK announced on September 19, 2024, the appointment of Gu Lingyun as vice president. With 25 years of experience in the banking industry, Gu Lingyun previously served as the president of XinYin Wealth Management, during which he led the entrusted scale into the top three in the industry. Starting from August 2024, Gu Lingyun also serves as a member of the CITIC BANK Party Committee. The board meeting was chaired by Chairman Fang Heying, with all board members present and the proposal approved

Another senior banking expert, promoted to the position of deputy president of a national joint-stock commercial bank

On the evening of September 19, CITIC Bank announced that the board of directors had approved the proposal to appoint Gu Lingyun as the deputy president of CITIC Bank.

With twenty-five years of experience in the Chinese banking industry, Gu Lingyun has previously been responsible for leading bank asset management and wealth management businesses with significant achievements. He has held positions such as Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of the Asset Management Center of CITIC Bank, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of CITIC Wealth Management, and Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of CITIC Wealth Management. During his tenure, the entrusted scale of CITIC Wealth Management steadily grew, entering the top three in the industry.

Gu Lingyun has been appointed as a member of the Party Committee of CITIC Bank starting from August 2024.

Board of Directors Approves Appointment Proposal

The announcement stated that CITIC Bank issued written notices and materials regarding the meeting on September 12, 2024, and held a board meeting on September 19, 2024, at CITIC Tower, No. 1 Guanghua Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, to pass resolutions.

The board meeting approved the proposal to appoint Gu Lingyun as the deputy president of CITIC Bank. The board agreed to appoint Gu Lingyun as the deputy president of CITIC Bank, to officially take office from the date when his qualifications as deputy president are approved by regulatory authorities.

The meeting was attended by 9 directors, with all 9 directors present. The meeting was chaired by Fang Heying, Chairman of CITIC Bank, and was attended by supervisors and senior management of CITIC Bank.

46-Year-Old Deputy President of a National Joint-Stock Bank

According to his resume, Gu Lingyun was born in February 1978, making him 46 years old this year. He is considered a young and capable member of the senior management team of national joint-stock commercial banks. With twenty-five years of experience in the Chinese banking industry, he graduated from the School of Economics and Trade of Zhejiang University with a bachelor's degree in economics.

Gu Lingyun has been deeply involved in frontline banking operations since the early years of his career. From August 1999 to November 2019, he held positions such as Assistant President and Deputy President (in charge of work) of the Jiefang Branch of CITIC Bank Hangzhou Branch, Deputy President (in charge of work) and President of Qianjiang Branch.

During this period, he also served as Executive Deputy General Manager of the Business Department of CITIC Bank Hangzhou Branch, Assistant to the President, Member of the Party Committee, Risk Manager, Deputy President of the Head Office, Deputy General Manager (in charge of work) of the Inclusive Finance Department of the Head Office, Member of the Party Committee of the Asset Management Business Center of the Head Office, and Deputy President.

Long-Term Focus on Asset Management Business

Since 2019, Gu Lingyun has been leading the development of asset management business at CITIC Bank.

From November 2019 to June 2020, he served as Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the Asset Management Business Center of CITIC Bank.

After the establishment of CITIC Wealth Management in 2020, he served as Secretary of the Party Committee and President of CITIC Wealth Management Co., Ltd., Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the Asset Management Business Center of CITIC Bank from June 2020 to September 2020; from September 2020 to October 2021, he served as Secretary of the Party Committee and President of CITIC Wealth Management Co., Ltd., and Secretary of the Party Committee of the Asset Management Business Center of CITIC Bank From October 2021 to June 2023, he served as the Party Secretary and President of CNCB Wealth Management Co., Ltd.; from June 2023 to February 2024, he served as the Party Secretary of CNCB Wealth Management Co., Ltd., acting on behalf of the Chairman. Starting from February 2024, he served as the Party Secretary and Chairman of CNCB Wealth Management.

During Gu Lingyun's tenure, CNCB Wealth Management completed the transformation from preparation to establishment to development, leaping to the forefront in the industry rankings. The interim report of 2024 showed that the total scale of wealth management products of CNCB Wealth Management (including entrusted management) had grown to 1.92 trillion yuan, ranking third among all bank wealth management subsidiaries.

With various businesses, including asset management, experiencing rapid development, CNCB has also maintained a relatively good growth momentum in recent years. Even in the relatively challenging first half of 2024, CNCB achieved operating income of 109.019 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.68%; by mid-year, CNCB's total assets reached 9.10 trillion yuan