2024.09.23 09:11

iPhone locked for 10 years unlocked and surged in hot search, Apple customer service: the longest lock time has been reduced to 8 hours, permanently locked after entering the wrong password ten times

On September 23rd, "iPhone 4s locked for ten years finally unlocked" trended on hot search. Previously, a blogger in Jiangsu province posted a video on social media claiming that their locked iPhone 4s for ten years was finally unlocked. Contacting Apple's official technical consultant, it was revealed that under the current iOS 18 system, there is no longer a waiting time of up to 10 years. The longest waiting time to unlock the phone screen is only 8 hours, after which the phone will be permanently locked. It was explained that currently, there are ten chances to unlock the iPhone screen password. After three incorrect password attempts, the fourth attempt will trigger a 1-minute screen lock, gradually increasing to 5 minutes, 1 hour, etc., with the maximum lock time limit being 8 hours. If the incorrect password is still entered on the tenth attempt, the phone will be permanently locked