LB Select
2023.07.19 06:23
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US Stock Options | Microsoft Options Trading Surges Over Threefold, Call Trading Active! Bank of America Options Trading Nearly Triples

On Tuesday, Microsoft's stock price reached a new high, and the most active trading was in the call options with a strike price of $360/$365. Microsoft, Amazon, AMD, and Tesla calls accounted for about 70% of the total. Options trading at Bank of America surged more than two times, with calls accounting for over 70%.

On Tuesday (July 18), U.S. stocks continued to rise, with the Dow up more than 1 percent and the Nasdaq and S & P 500 up more than 0.7 percent. ### Top 10 U.S. stock options Tuesday, U.S. stocks rose across the board, with tech giants remaining strong and taking turns. Top 10 U.S. stock options traded: Microsoft, Tesla, Nvidia, Apple, Amazon, Bank of America, AMD, Nikola, Meta Platforms Platforms, Activision Blizzard. Microsoft rose 4%, the stock price hit a record high, 1.33 million options traded, more than three times larger than the daily, call options traded accounted for nearly 70%. Call options with a strike price of $360/365 were the most actively traded. Tesla rose 1 percent, with 1.21 million options traded, down from the daily average, with call options trading at 66.8 percent. Nvidia rose more than 2%, with 1.18 million options traded and 60% of call options traded. Apple fell slightly, with 810000 options traded and 65% of call options traded. Call options with a strike price of $195 were the most actively traded. Amazon fell 0.55 percent, with 680000 options traded and 70 percent of call options traded. Bank of America surged more than 4%, with 620000 options traded, more than double the daily average, and call options traded more than 70%. AMD fell slightly, with 530000 options traded and 70% of call options traded. Meta Platforms Platforms edged up, with 470000 options traded and 63.6 percent of call options traded. Alibaba fell more than 2%, with 370000 options traded and 84% of call options traded.! !