LB Select
2023.08.28 13:21
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After the Jackson Hole Conference, will the US stock market rise by 3% in the next three months?

During the three months after the incident, the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose by an average of 3%, the S&P 500 Index rose by an average of 2.8%, and the Nasdaq Composite Index rose by an average of 3.6%.

Last Friday (August 25th), Federal Reserve Chairman Powell reiterated during his speech at the Jackson Hole Conference that the Fed will remain cautious in making the next decision, but the extent of the economic slowdown in the United States may not be significant enough.

In the long run, the Jackson Hole Conference may help reverse the downturn in the US stock market in August.

Based on history, how will the US stock market perform after the Jackson Hole Conference?

According to Barron's and Dow Jones Market Data, data shows that in the weeks following the Jackson Hole event, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the S&P 500 Index, and the Nasdaq Composite Index all experienced gains.

One month after the conference, the Dow Jones Index averaged a 0.1% increase, the S&P 500 Index averaged a 0.3% increase, and the Nasdaq Index averaged a 0.6% increase.

Three months after the event, the Dow Jones Index averaged a 3% increase, the S&P 500 Index averaged a 2.8% increase, and the Nasdaq Index averaged a 3.6% increase.

As long as Powell doesn't do anything surprising, the stock market may have a chance to rebound again.