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2023.08.29 02:07
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ChatGPT Enterprise Edition explodes online! Unlimited access, double speed, 32,000 tokens... OpenAI is starting to "make money"

Is it not profitable to "grab money"? You should know that OpenAI spent over $540 million developing ChatGPT last year, with daily operating costs of around $700,000, yet revenue was only $30 million. At the current rate of burning money, OpenAI could potentially declare bankruptcy as early as 2024.

After more than half a year of waiting, today OpenAI announced the official launch of ChatGPT Enterprise, a version specifically designed for businesses.

OpenAI stated that ChatGPT Enterprise will focus on serving large enterprises, providing unrestricted access to GPT-4, expanded context window, advanced data analysis capabilities, and customization options. While ensuring the data privacy and security of enterprises, ChatGPT Enterprise will offer comprehensive generative AI functions.

In addition to the current version suitable for large enterprises, OpenAI will soon release ChatGPT Business, a self-service product for various small teams, serving organizations of all sizes and types. In other words, starting today, OpenAI has sounded the horn for a full-scale attack on the enterprise market.

For every ordinary worker, with the arrival of ChatGPT Enterprise and other enterprise-level AI tools, our current work environment may soon undergo a "revolution" due to the advent of AI.

The most powerful version of ChatGPT + Secure deployment, tailored for large enterprises

This time, the capabilities of the enterprise-exclusive version of ChatGPT have been greatly enhanced.

ChatGPT Enterprise is powered by OpenAI's most advanced language model, GPT-4. Enterprise users have priority access to GPT-4 without any usage limits, and the execution speed is twice as fast as the regular GPT-4. In addition, the enterprise version allows for more input content, with an expanded context window of up to 32,000 tokens, or about 25,000 words.

ChatGPT Enterprise also provides unrestricted access to advanced data analysis (code interpreter functionality), enabling technical and non-technical teams to perform data analysis in seconds.

In addition to the enhanced version of ChatGPT, this enterprise version also addresses the two most concerning issues for businesses: data security and system deployment.

In terms of data security, OpenAI provides "static data encryption (AES-256) and data encryption in transit (TLS 1.2+)", and states that ChatGPT Enterprise has undergone SOC 2 Type 1 compliance audit and certification. OpenAI also promises that customer prompts and all other data will not be used for model training, and users can control the retention time of data. Any deleted conversations will be automatically removed from the ChatGPT system within 30 days.

In terms of deployment, ChatGPT Enterprise provides a new management console that allows for batch management of users, including single sign-on, domain verification, and a dashboard with usage statistics, suitable for large-scale and scalable deployments. Through the use of shareable conversation templates, the Enterprise version allows employees to leverage ChatGPT to build internal workflows. Additionally, OpenAI's API platform enables businesses to create fully customized solutions according to their specific needs.

Following today's release, ChatGPT Enterprise version is immediately available for use. Currently, ChatGPT offers three subscription plans: Free, Plus, and Enterprise. However, OpenAI has not provided a unified pricing for the Enterprise version, stating that it will depend on each company's usage and use cases, requiring individual pricing inquiries. The $20 per month Personal Plus plan will continue to exist after the launch of the Enterprise version.

Targeting the Enterprise Market, OpenAI Prepares to Make a Splash

After successfully testing the waters with consumer users, the enterprise market has become the battleground for generative AI.

In fact, as the pioneer of generative AI, ChatGPT's enterprise version was not launched at a particularly fast pace. Over the past few months, many companies have already released various generative AI products and features specifically designed for enterprise users.

For example, unicorn startup Cohere has been dedicated to developing generative AI features for enterprise services since its inception, even offering options for custom large language models (LLMs) tailored to businesses. In April of this year, Anthropic announced a strong partnership with Scale AI, specifically providing powerful generative AI capabilities and industrial-grade guarantees for enterprise customers.

Tech giants are also moving quickly. Amazon has launched an enterprise-level generative AI toolkit based on AWS, Meta announced that its open-source language model LLaMA 2 is available for commercial use, and even Microsoft, OpenAI's partner and major investor, recently announced the enterprise version of Bing Chat and plans to integrate it into Microsoft 365.

Although ChatGPT has gained significant popularity among regular users, it is evident that it will face fierce competition in the enterprise market. However, entering the enterprise market is a necessary move for ChatGPT at this stage.

According to Similarweb data, ChatGPT's global traffic has been consistently declining in recent months, with a decrease of 9.7% and 9.6% in June and July, respectively, and page views dropping from a peak of 1.9 billion in May to 1.5 billion. **

And compared to the high costs, the revenue generated by user subscriptions to OpenAI is just a drop in the bucket. According to statistics, the company spent over $540 million last year to develop ChatGPT, and the daily operating cost of ChatGPT is approximately $700,000 for OpenAI. However, OpenAI's revenue in the 2022 fiscal year was only $30 million.

Recently, there have been predictions that at the current rate of burning through money, Microsoft's $10 billion will soon be depleted, and if there is no other large-scale financing, OpenAI will announce bankruptcy as early as 2024.

But OpenAI's first choice is definitely to "make money" on its own. Previously, Sam Altman stated that OpenAI's goal this year is to increase revenue to $200 million and boldly claimed to generate $1 billion in revenue by 2024. To achieve this, OpenAI must accelerate the launch of more profitable products, with the enterprise market being particularly important.

OpenAI stated that since the launch of ChatGPT nine months ago, it has seen over 80% usage among Fortune 500 companies. Large enterprises such as Block, Canva, Estée Lauder, and PwC have also tried the beta version of ChatGPT Enterprise and received positive feedback.

Next, in addition to serving large enterprises, OpenAI will soon launch ChatGPT Business for small organizations, encompassing all types and sizes of organizations. In the future, OpenAI will allow small companies to connect their applications to the ChatGPT Enterprise version and provide more AI analysis and assistance tools tailored to specific business scenarios, as well as more customization options.

Currently, OpenAI has launched an exclusive page for ChatGPT Enterprise on its official website and has previewed a series of feature updates for enterprise users in its blog.

OpenAI's high-profile entry into the enterprise track also indicates that the speed of generative AI entering enterprise scenarios will further accelerate, which may also mark the true beginning of AI impacting the lives of ordinary people.

In the past few months, most people may have only regarded ChatGPT as an AI chat "toy" that can help with daily information search and email writing. But as more and more companies start using AI in work scenarios, we may see AI being used more as a powerful productivity tool.

So, will the entry of generative AI into enterprises significantly improve operational efficiency and potentially impact certain positions? We will see the answers in the coming period.