LB Select
2023.08.31 10:02
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Pre-market trading in US stocks | Baidu's "Wenxin Yiyuan" app downloads surge, rumors of Tesla Model 3 listing tomorrow, Alibaba Cloud completes record filing for Tongyi Qianwen

Salesforce rose more than 5%, Okta rose more than 11%, UBS rose 4%, CrowdStrike rose 2%, Chewy fell 5%. fell 3%, Pinduoduo fell more than 1%, Beike, Li Xiang, Futu Holdings fell 2%, Bilibili fell 3.5%, Alibaba, Baidu, Xiaopeng, iQiyi fell nearly 2%, NIO fell 1%.

US Stock Market News

  1. According to Sina Technology, "Tongyi Qianwen" has completed the filing work and is expected to be officially launched. The list of enterprises that have been filed for the first batch is expected to be released successively by relevant local management departments within one week.

  2. All users can download the Wenxin Yiyuan App or experience it on the official website. After the full opening of Wenxin Yiyuan, the download volume of the Wenxin Yiyuan App has surged, and it is currently ranked first in the free application list of the Apple App Store.

Pre-market Movement

In the pre-market trading, Dow Jones futures rose 0.3%, Nasdaq futures fell 0.18%, and S&P 500 index futures slightly rose. fell 3%, Pinduoduo fell more than 1%, Beike, Li Xiang, Futu Holdings fell 2%, Bilibili fell 3.5%, Alibaba, Baidu, Xiaopeng, iQiyi fell nearly 2%, NIO fell 1%.

Salesforce rose more than 5%, Okta rose more than 11%, UBS rose 4%, CrowdStrike rose 2%, Chewy fell 5%.

US Stock Market Strategies

  1. Google AI, full steam ahead! Why is Wall Street optimistic? Cloud computing is still the key to valuation improvement!

  2. US Stock Options | Apple call options trading volume surges, Alibaba long-term out-of-the-money put options trading increases sharply

  3. Buffett's Choice: This year, the rise in US construction stocks even exceeded AI

  4. Next Week Preview | Speeches by several Federal Reserve officials, US economic conditions Beige Book, Yiming Angke-B officially listed

  5. Analyst: Compared with other tech giants, Nvidia is still "too cheap" with a target price of $730