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  • Analyst Report

    An analyst report is a detailed research and analysis report about a specific company or industry, written by financial

  • Stock Index Futures

    Stock index futures are a type of financial derivative that is derived from the performance of a specific stock index. S

  • Asset Management Fees

    Asset management fees are the fees that investors pay to asset management companies for managing investment portfolios.

  • Repurchase Price

    The repurchase price refers to the price paid by a company or institution to the holders when repurchasing its issued bo

  • Overweight Rating

    Overweight rating refers to the rating given by analysts or investment institutions to a stock or asset, indicating that

  • Broker Rating

    Brokerage rating refers to the act of evaluating and judging the investment value of a stock or bond by a securities com

  • 10-Year Treasury

    10-year government bond refers to a government bond with a maturity date of 10 years. Government bonds are bonds issued

  • Dividend Investing

    Dividend investment is an investment strategy that focuses on purchasing stocks with stable dividend payments and potent

  • Actual Fundraising Ratio

    The actual fundraising ratio refers to the ratio between the actual amount of funds obtained by a company or institution

  • Lifting Of Restricted Shares

    Restricted stock lifting refers to a system in the stock market where shareholders are unable to sell their held stocks

  • 10-Year Yield

    The 10-year yield refers to the annualized yield of fixed-income products such as government bonds within a 10-year peri

  • Final Case Information

    Final case information refers to a legal case in which all appeals and litigation procedures have concluded, and no furt

  • RMB To USD Midpoint Rate

    The central parity rate of the RMB against the USD refers to the exchange rate of the RMB against the USD announced by t

  • Underlying Operating Profit

    Basic operating profit refers to the operating profit of a company after deducting non-recurring items. Non-recurring it

  • US Inflation Data

    US inflation data refers to the changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the Uni

  • Basic Loss Per Share

    Basic earnings per share refers to the net profit loss borne by each ordinary share equity during a certain period of ti

  • Adjusted Profit

    Adjusted profit refers to the net profit of a company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses and other special i

  • Adjusted Operating Income

    Adjusted operating profit refers to a company's operating profit after deducting some non-recurring items. These non-rec

  • Adjusted Ebitda

    Adjusted EBITDA refers to the value obtained by adjusting the factors such as interest, taxation, depreciation, and amor

  • Full-Year Profit Forecast

    Annual profit expectation refers to the expected net profit that a company will achieve within one year.

  • Annual Revenue Forecast

    Annual revenue forecast refers to the estimate of expected operating income that a company may achieve within the next y

  • Repurchase Transaction Price

    The repurchase transaction price refers to the price paid by a company when repurchasing its own stock, which is usually

  • Stock Option Plan

    An employee stock ownership plan refers to a company providing employees with the opportunity to purchase company stocks

  • Revenue Estimate

    Revenue forecast refers to the prediction of a company's future revenue situation for a certain period of time. The fore

  • EPS Guidance

    EPS refers to earnings per share, which refers to the earnings generated per share of common stock equity held by a comp