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Lifting Of Restricted Shares

Restricted stock lifting refers to a system in the stock market where shareholders are unable to sell their held stocks for a certain period of time. After this period ends, shareholders are free to sell their held stocks. The lifting of restrictions on stock sales usually has a certain impact on the stock market and may lead to fluctuations in stock prices.

Lock-up Expiration


Lock-up expiration refers to a system in the stock market where shareholders are restricted from selling their shares for a certain period. When this period ends, shareholders are free to sell their shares. Lock-up expiration can have an impact on the stock market, potentially causing price fluctuations.


The lock-up expiration system originated from the need for regulation in the securities market to prevent major shareholders or insiders from selling large amounts of stock immediately after a company goes public, which could cause market volatility. The earliest lock-up expiration systems can be traced back to the early 20th century in the U.S. securities market. As global securities markets developed, this system was gradually adopted by various countries.

Categories and Characteristics

Lock-up expiration mainly falls into two categories: IPO lock-up expiration and private placement lock-up expiration. IPO lock-up expiration occurs after a company’s initial public offering (IPO), where original shareholders are restricted from selling their shares for a certain period, usually ranging from 6 months to 1 year. Private placement lock-up expiration occurs when new shares issued through private placement are restricted from being sold for a certain period, typically ranging from 1 to 3 years.

Specific Cases

Case 1: A company went public in 2022, and the original shareholders' shares were locked up for 6 months. In early 2023, these locked-up shares were released, allowing the original shareholders to sell their shares freely. Due to the large number of shares being unlocked, the market anticipated a potential drop in stock price, leading to price fluctuations before the lock-up expiration.

Case 2: A company conducted a private placement in 2021, and the newly issued shares were locked up for 1 year. When the lock-up period ended in 2022, investors holding these new shares were free to sell them. As the market had a positive outlook on the company, the stock price did not experience significant volatility after the lock-up expiration; instead, it increased.

Common Questions

1. Is the impact of lock-up expiration on stock prices always negative?
Not necessarily. While lock-up expiration can lead to a drop in stock prices, it can also result in an increase if the market has a positive outlook on the company.

2. How should investors respond to lock-up expiration?
Investors should pay attention to the timing and quantity of lock-up expirations, assess their potential impact on stock prices, and adjust their investment strategies accordingly.

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