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Main Business Income

Main business income refers to the income obtained by a company through its main business. Main business income is the main source of a company's operating activities and can reflect the company's market competitiveness and operating conditions and operational status.


Main business income refers to the revenue that a company earns from its main business activities. It is the primary source of a company's operating income and can reflect the company's market competitiveness and operating conditions. It is an important indicator for measuring a company's business performance. Common synonyms include 'main income' and 'main business revenue'.


The concept of main business income originates from the basic principles of corporate accounting and financial management. With the development of modern corporate systems, companies need to clearly distinguish between main business and other businesses to more accurately assess their core competitiveness and market performance. In the early 20th century, with the acceleration of industrialization and commercialization, corporate financial statements began to clearly list main business income as an indicator.

Categories and Characteristics

Main business income can be classified based on the industry and type of business:

  • Manufacturing: Mainly from the production and sales of products, such as the sales revenue of cars for an automobile manufacturing company.
  • Service Industry: Mainly from providing services, such as the consulting service revenue of a consulting firm.
  • Retail: Mainly from the sales of goods, such as the sales revenue of goods in a supermarket.


  • Stability: Main business income is usually stable and can reflect the company's core business capabilities.
  • Predictability: Since main business income is directly related to the company's core business, it usually has high predictability.
  • Importance: It is an important indicator in the company's financial statements and directly affects the company's profitability and market valuation.

Specific Cases

Case 1: Apple Inc.
Apple's main business income primarily comes from the sales of its electronic products, such as iPhones, iPads, and Mac computers. By analyzing Apple's financial statements, it can be seen that its main business income accounts for the majority of its total income, reflecting its strong competitiveness in the electronic products market.

Case 2: Starbucks
Starbucks' main business income primarily comes from the sales of coffee and other beverages. Starbucks sells its products through stores worldwide, and the growth of its main business income reflects its brand influence and market expansion capabilities.

Common Questions

1. What is the difference between main business income and total income?
Main business income refers to the revenue earned from the company's main business activities, while total income includes main business income and other income, such as investment income and rental income.

2. Why is main business income so important?
Main business income can reflect the company's core competitiveness and market performance, making it an important indicator for assessing the company's business performance and profitability.

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