LB Select
2024.05.30 04:02

FFIE Stock Mania! The Company Has Something to Say...

According to FFIE's Q4 2023 Earnings Call, the company says:

Recently, we've seen a dramatic revaluation of our stock by the market. In our view, we believe the stock was previously undervalued and we welcome this adjustment.

The revaluation has drawn the attention of many investors as we continue to pursue additional significant strategic investors in the Middle East and throughout the world. Equipment and IP-backed financing are also being investigated and we look forward to potentially reducing our reliance on dilutive funding.

We continue to believe our biggest barrier to vehicle sales and profitability is the capital required to produce vehicles at scale. If our funding picture improves, we believe our production, delivery and revenue picture can all follow and be updated to reflect that positive movement.

Given our lean cost structure, each new dollar invested in Faraday Future will be targeted toward maximum efficiency used more productively than ever before. Now, it's just a matter of raising additional capital and executing.