2024.06.25 05:36
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JD.com bets on the next generation of e-commerce

JD.com will launch Vision Pro

Author | Liu Baodan

Editor | Zhou Zhiyu

With the upcoming launch of Apple Vision Pro in China, domestic internet giants have begun to seize the new territory of XR, and JD.com has also joined this competition.

Recently, JD.com announced that JD.Vision will be one of the first Vision Pro applications to be released domestically. Vision Pro is Apple's first spatial computing device, allowing users to experience a new 3D interactive experience through eye, hand, and voice control. This means that, in addition to computers and mobile phones, JD.com will further occupy the XR hardware end.

If JD.com's mobile app is positioned as a mobile computing shopping platform, then JD.Vision is an immersive shopping platform based on spatial computing.

The launch of the Vision version is a bet on the future for JD.com.

The JD.com retail technology team responsible for the development of JD.Vision stated that if spatial computing technology continues to develop and devices become widely popular, it will definitely be an important part of the next generation of e-commerce.

Through the JD.Vision application, users can "drag and drop" desired home appliances, home furnishings, or trendy digital products into their homes in a 1:1 ratio, and mix and preview them in an augmented reality environment. This will solve the traditional online shopping difficulties in terms of size and style matching.

The above-mentioned JD.com retail technology team hopes to provide users with a three-dimensional and intuitive experience of products through JD.Vision. Users can place or match products from various angles before placing an order, view the corresponding placement effects in three dimensions, and obtain a new immersive shopping experience.

According to Wall Street News, the initial phase of JD.Vision will focus on home scenarios, covering multiple home appliances, home furnishings, and trendy digital products, including Samsung TVs, Casarte refrigerators, Boss appliances, etc., and will gradually expand to cover all categories.

In addition, JD.com has combined Vision Pro technology with JD Cloud's Yanxi large model technology to launch the intelligent shopping guide service "Xiao Mengchong Joy". Users can interact with it to gradually clarify their needs and receive increasingly accurate content or product recommendations.

The above-mentioned individuals stated that the company has long-term plans for this, and in the future, JD.com will definitely keep up with technology and continue to iterate in an agile manner.

The possibilities brought by technology are highly imaginative. From offline to B2C, and then to O2O, the integration of online and offline is becoming closer, and the demand for timeliness is also increasing. JD.com believes that the future of e-commerce will be a full-scenario shopping experience, and Vision Pro will bring more possibilities by solving shopping pain points.

Faced with spatial technology devices, Alibaba, Tencent, and others are also actively deploying. In response to this, the aforementioned JD.com technical personnel stated that the company's advantages mainly lie in three aspects: business model, online and offline integration, and user mindset.

Different from other platforms, JD.com operates on a self-operated plus pop model, backed by a professional procurement team and strong supply chain capabilities, conducting in-depth research on the dimension of goods; JD.com has offline layouts such as JD Superstores, Seven Fresh, Wuxing Appliances, etc., which can be well integrated online and offline; in addition, JD.com's user mindset includes authenticity, instant delivery, etc., with a high level of consumer trust However, the launch of JD.Vision is just the beginning, currently in the exploration stage, and future development will inevitably be constrained by the sales of Apple Vision Pro in China.

At the 2024 Apple Worldwide Developers Conference two weeks ago, Apple announced that the starting price of Apple Vision Pro in the Chinese market is 29,999 yuan, officially launched on June 28th. Due to the high pricing and other reasons, the current pre-sale situation in China is generally average.

Technological iterations themselves have a high degree of uncertainty, but precisely because of this, once successful, JD has the opportunity to win more chips in the fierce e-commerce market. From this perspective, JD.Vision bears a heavy responsibility