2024.07.18 01:48

Bank of America: Expects US stocks to be volatile in the coming months, with the S&P 500 index potentially falling by 5% to 10%

Strategist Savita Subramanian from Bank of America pointed out that due to the uncertainty surrounding the U.S. presidential election, Wall Street's stock market is expected to experience volatility in the coming months, with the S&P 500 index potentially declining by 5% to 10%. During a seminar, Subramanian mentioned that the market may be overestimating the impact of the U.S. election, but certain stock categories are indeed experiencing significant changes due to the change in the White House, including healthcare and environmental industries, as they are more influenced by government policies. Overall, Subramanian remains optimistic about the macroeconomic outlook of the United States, albeit with a slower pace in recent years. She recommends investing in stock categories that are less affected by economic cycles. Subramanian emphasized that not all leading tech stocks are overvalued, and there are also growth stocks within the "Big Tech Seven"