2024.08.01 02:21
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Hong Kong Stock Concept Tracking | Apple's third-quarter revenue may rebound, benefiting fruit chain companies from increased Apple sales (with concept stocks)

Apple's revenue for the third fiscal quarter is expected to resume growth, benefiting from the increase in iPhone sales. It is reported that Apple has attracted more Chinese customers by lowering iPhone prices and has sold more high-profit iPads. Data shows that iPhone sales account for nearly half of Apple's total revenue, with a 2.2% decline expected in the second quarter, showing significant improvement from previous declines. In addition, Huafu Securities stated that the consumer electronics industry is at a triple turning point of short-term stabilization and recovery, the arrival of an industry innovation cycle, and continuous catalysis of new products by industry giants

The journalist exclusively learned from sources in the Apple supply chain industry that the recent Apple iPhone 16 series stocking target guidance has been slightly raised. After the adjustment, the stocking target guidance for the iPhone 16 series this year is around 90 million units. Another source from an Apple supply chain company confirmed to the journalist that Apple has indeed slightly raised the stocking target guidance for the iPhone 16 series recently.

Executives from Apple supply chain companies analyzed to journalists that during the June 618 e-commerce promotion period in China, Apple adopted a price reduction promotion strategy. After the price reduction of the iPhone 15 series, sales significantly increased, which may have boosted Apple's sales expectations for the iPhone 16 series.

It is reported that Apple may report a recovery in revenue growth in its third quarter (the second quarter of this year) on Thursday. The company has won back some Chinese customers by significantly lowering iPhone prices and has sold more high-profit iPads with updated designs.

Data shows that iPhone sales account for nearly half of Apple's total revenue, with an expected 2.2% decline in the second quarter, showing a significant improvement from previous declines.

According to Canalys, global smartphone shipments in 2024Q1 reached 296.2 million units, a year-on-year increase of 10%, marking the first double-digit growth in 10 quarters.

Huafu Securities stated that the consumer electronics industry is at a triple turning point of short-term stabilization and recovery, the arrival of an industry innovation cycle, and continuous catalysis of new products from industry giants.

Apple Supply Chain Related Companies:

Catcher Technology (01415): The company is a precision optical module supplier for electronic mobile devices. Since 2009, Apple has been purchasing camera modules produced by the company, becoming its largest customer. The introduction of Apple's MR new product may drive the company's revenue growth. The number of camera modules for AppleVisionPro is as high as 12, which may be exclusively supplied by Catcher Technology. Institutions believe that the indirect relationship between Catcher Technology and Largan Precision may give Catcher more say in the Apple MR new product market.

BYD Electronics (00285): The first-quarter profit in 2024 meets market expectations. Benefiting from the revenue contribution of the Jiepu factory, the recovery of the Android business, and further development of the automotive electronics business, the revenue and net profit attributable to shareholders in the first quarter of 2024 were RMB 36.48 billion (a year-on-year increase of 38.3%) and RMB 610 million (a year-on-year increase of 33.0%), respectively. BYD Electronics independently developed a full range of autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) to provide comprehensive logistics solutions for factories. During the development of advanced AMRs, NVIDIA provided technical support based on the NVIDIA Isaac and Jetson platforms to help customers accelerate the deployment of logistics applications.

Q Technology (01478): In April, the sales volume of mobile camera modules increased by 39.2% year-on-year to 40.81 million units.

Sunny Optical Technology (02382): In April, the shipment volume of mobile lenses was approximately 102 million units, an increase of 6.4% year-on-year.

AAC Technologies (02018): The acquisition of PSS is expected to contribute revenue of 3 to 3.5 billion this year