2024.08.01 05:21

US police confirm: Tesla FSD once again "indirectly caused" a fatal traffic accident

In April this year, a Tesla Model S in the vicinity of Seattle killed a motorcyclist. According to the latest confirmation from the US police, the Tesla car was in "Full Self-Driving" (FSD) mode at the time of the accident. This is at least the second fatal accident involving FSD, which Musk has been vigorously promoting. Investigators reportedly confirmed this fact after downloading information from the event data recorder on the car. In a statement, the police said that the driver involved in the accident had been arrested because he admitted that "he was not paying attention while driving in FSD mode and was distracted by using his phone while driving forward, believing that the machine would drive for him." Tesla has repeatedly emphasized that its FSD software requires active supervision by the driver and cannot allow the vehicle to drive completely autonomously. Tesla CEO Musk stated last week that he expects the FSD system to be able to operate without human supervision by the end of this year