2024.08.19 04:42

Still relying on Foxconn in Zhengzhou? The truth about Apple's iPhone production capacity shifting between China and India

Recently, there have been reports in the media that "Apple's latest core orders for iPhones are flowing back from India, and Foxconn's Zhengzhou factory is recruiting on a large scale." Sources close to Foxconn have stated that the Zhengzhou factory has indeed entered the peak production phase of the new iPhone 16 series. Contrary to external rumors of large-scale recruitment, the recruitment has only slightly increased with no significant difference. An insider at Foxconn emphasized that these additional orders are not due to the return of orders from the Indian factory, but rather because Apple has raised its expectations for the shipment volume of the iPhone 16 series, leading to an increase in the total order quantity and consequently an increase in the order volume at the Zhengzhou factory