2024.08.27 13:44
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23 million people have made money on KUAISHOU

Kuaishou unveiled a new strategy at the 2024 Photosynthesis Creator Conference, aiming to attract more creators to join. Kuaishou CEO Cheng Yixiao stated that in the past year, about 23 million creators have earned commercial income, with the number of creators earning over 10,000 RMB per month increasing by 14% year-on-year. Despite having 700 million users, the number of creators who actually make money is still relatively small, indicating significant monetization potential in the future. In addition, Kuaishou has also implemented a "New Private Domain Mechanism" to promote trust between creators and fans, enhancing the reach of public domain traffic

Author | Liu Baodan

Editor | Huang Yu

Creators are the foundation of content platforms. With the growth of internet users slowing down, the competition for traffic between platforms is becoming more intense. In response to this, Kuaishou has come up with new strategies.

On August 27th, at the 2024 Photosynthesis Creators Conference, Kuaishou introduced a set of tactics, emphasizing the importance of content, empowering content creation, and exploring paths for creators to monetize their work. Kuaishou aims to demonstrate the strength of the platform through a positive cycle story to attract more creators to join.

During the conference, Kuaishou's founder, chairman, and CEO Cheng Yixiao stated that compared to the same period last year, the number of creators on Kuaishou earning over 10,000 RMB per month has increased by 14%. In the past year, approximately 23 million creators have made money on Kuaishou.

Compared to the user base of 700 million, only a small number of Kuaishou creators actually make money, indicating that there is still great commercial potential for creators on Kuaishou in the future.

Good content is the foundation of the platform. Cheng Yixiao mentioned that good content itself is the best traffic code because good content can more efficiently precipitate private domains, leverage public domains, and achieve a positive cycle.

"A particularly important change this year is that we believe authors who perform particularly well in private domains should receive more traffic in public domains." Cheng Yixiao stated that public domain traffic distribution should not only consider instantaneous data but also focus more on consumption indicators in the downstream, such as whether users in private domains are willing to watch them.

In other words, authors or creators who perform particularly well in private domains will receive more traffic in public domains this year.

In fact, Kuaishou has been exploring the "new private domain mechanism" since the beginning of the year. Gai Kun, senior vice president of Kuaishou and head of the main station business and community science line, mentioned that Kuaishou will use algorithms to identify creators' loyal fans and reach them with creator content in public domains, achieving a reach rate of over 80% for loyal fans in public and private domains combined.

This will encourage creators to pay more attention to maintaining trust relationships with their fans. Kuaishou's data shows that after implementing the new large private domain distribution mechanism, Kuaishou's public domain traffic has increased by approximately 200 million exposures per day on average.

In terms of traffic distribution, Kuaishou has also introduced a fairer content promotion mechanism, namely the "full lifecycle boost mechanism for works." During the cold start guarantee phase, traffic will be distributed to approved works in a universal manner. After the guarantee phase, traffic will be boosted through a series of flow pool races based on users' genuine feedback on the content until it goes viral.

At the same time, Kuaishou has introduced the QuickSense large model to enhance understanding of user interests, allowing traffic given to creators to be more accurately pushed to interested audiences, improving content conversion efficiency. Kuaishou's data shows that after introducing the large model content understanding, the effective play rate of videos pushed to users increased by 17%, and the long play rate increased by 15%.

Making good content more visible in the information age is just the first step. The more crucial aspect is how to help creators achieve income growth through good content, which is the core motivation for retaining creators.

Wang Jianwei, senior vice president of Kuaishou and head of the e-commerce business unit and commercialization business unit, stated that creators are an important part of Kuaishou's commercial system and act as amplifiers between content, commerce, and users. He encourages creators to make good use of Kuaishou's diverse e-commerce platforms and content genres to stimulate business growth In terms of e-commerce policies, KUAISHOU will allocate over 70 billion in traffic to create the "Fu Yao Plan," helping influencers break through the scale of live streaming. At the same time, it will also provide the "Lan Xing Plan" and "Zhu Ri Plan" for scenarios such as short video sales and live streaming hot products, to support influencers with more traffic and help them achieve explosive sales.

In terms of commercial cooperation, Magnet Star remains an important channel for KUAISHOU creators to monetize. This year, in addition to influencer support projects such as the "Xiao Mai Plan" and brand seeding officials, KUAISHOU has also launched the Magnet Star "First Order Incentive" plan, providing 500 million yuan in cash incentives, aiming to provide comprehensive guidance and support for new Magnet Star users, helping influencers make the leap from zero to one.

Thirteen years ago, KUAISHOU started from the "GIF KUAISHOU" tool and, with the rapid development of mobile internet, has grown into a short video platform with nearly 400 million daily active users. In 2023, KUAISHOU achieved trillion-dollar e-commerce, billion-dollar revenue, and billion-dollar profits, delivering an impressive report card.

However, as the internet industry gradually enters a stock era, for KUAISHOU to sustain high growth, the core still needs to return to content and creators themselves. In this exceptionally fierce battle for attention, KUAISHOU has already made its move