2024.09.26 15:32
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Top investment bank CICC appoints a "post-80s" female executive

CICC appointed post-80s female executive Liang Dongqing as a member of the management committee on September 19, 2024, making her the first female executive in the company's history. Liang Dongqing holds a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Nankai University and a Master's degree in Economics from Peking University. She has held several important positions in CICC's wealth management department and has accumulated rich experience in the field of wealth management. Her appointment signifies CICC's progress in gender diversity

On September 26, a post-80s female officially promoted to a senior executive at CICC.

This seems to be the first time in the history of CICC.

The announcement shows that on September 19, 2024, CICC issued a written notice for the third session of the third board of directors, which approved the "Proposal to Appoint Liang Dongqing as a Member of the Management Committee".

Following the nomination by the board and the review and recommendation by the Corporate Governance Committee, the board agreed to appoint Ms. Liang Dongqing as a member of the company's Management Committee, effective from the date of board approval.

Who is Liang Dongqing?

Liang Dongqing's personal background is quite outstanding.

Her resume shows that she was born in 1983, obtained a bachelor's degree in economics from Nankai University in 2005, and a master's degree in economics from Peking University in 2008.

After graduating from Peking University, Liang Dongqing joined the research department of CICC, and later held positions such as Head of the Wealth Research Department and Co-Executive in charge of the Wealth Service Center at the company.

She also served as the General Manager and Chairman of China Investment Securities Co., Ltd., as well as the General Manager of the Wealth Products Center at CICC.

The announcement also states that prior to this appointment, Liang Dongqing was already a member of the CICC Party Committee, a member of the Party Committee and Executive Committee, Vice President, Chairman of the Labor Union and Head of the Products and Solutions Department at China CICC Wealth Securities Co., Ltd., as well as a Director at CICC Wealth Futures Co., Ltd., holding nearly ten important positions simultaneously.

Previously Focused on Wealth Management

It is noted that Liang Dongqing once described her experience in a dialogue:

"In 2008, after graduating from postgraduate studies, I joined CICC. Initially, I was engaged in research-related work. At the end of 2009, by chance, I and several colleagues transferred to the company's wealth management business sector. Unexpectedly, this choice changed my career for the next decade."

According to available information, CICC began planning its wealth management business in 2007, which was quite forward-looking in the Chinese securities industry at that time.

After joining the wealth management department at CICC, Liang Dongqing started to be responsible for product research work, and was involved in designing and researching various categories of products such as hedge funds, private equity funds, fixed income, public funds, overseas products, and building research frameworks.

After 2010, the internationalization of Chinese financial institutions began to accelerate, continuously absorbing advanced methodologies in overseas wealth management.

Liang Dongqing recalled that her first task in the wealth management department was to study from an international perspective which financial products were investable, in order to benchmark the status of investable financial products in China at that time.

She revealed that in 2010, she and her team wrote a Sunshine Private Equity Annual Report, when the scale of China's sunshine private equity was only "just" 130 billion yuan.

In fact, sunshine private equity was an "early product" of China's private equity industry. After the private equity fund filing system was introduced in 2014, the term sunshine private equity exited the stage of history, replaced by securities private equity investment funds

Former " Call " Securities Transformation

In a recent statement, Liang Dongqing expressed that the mindset of securities firms' business expansion needs to undergo fundamental changes. Instead of helping clients buy and sell stocks or recommend stocks in a way that is most synergistic with the main business and maximizes securities profits, the focus should shift to providing wealth management solutions for clients through account management and cross-asset category allocation.

She also shared her views on the role of women in household wealth management in a speech:

Women tend to pay more attention to risks, or are more likely to maintain a sense of awe towards the market. In the wealth preservation stage, women have a relative advantage compared to men, but in the wealth creation stage, it is not absolute. Men may have a slight advantage over women.

Subsequent Performance Worthy of Attention

It is understood that under the board of directors, CICC has established a management committee chaired by the chairman or president.

As of the latest update, Chen Liang serves as the chairman of the CICC management committee, as well as the company's chairman and executive director.

According to CICC's 2023 annual report, there are a total of 9 senior executives on the management committee, all of whom are male.

After Liang Dongqing's appointment, she became the only female member of the CICC management committee and one of the few post-80s female executives in history