2023.06.19 06:58
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618 Report is here! Taobao and Tmall have the largest scale ever, JD.com's "One-click Price Protection" was clicked over 600 million times, and PDD's hundred-billion-yuan subsidy is further increased.

What is the situation of the "most discounted" 618 event that has returned to low prices across the entire network?

The annual 618 e-commerce promotion officially ended yesterday evening. All major platforms abandoned the previous fancy marketing and * * directly started the "low price" competition * *. For example, Taobao launched a 10 billion subsidy "breaking through the reserve price" campaign, and major commodities opened the application channel of "buying expensive and paying compensation". JD.com brings many concessions such as 50% reduction for every full 300 across stores and extra subsidies for 60 yuan every day. PDD's 10 billion subsidy has been increased again... This year is also called the "618", which means that it is becoming more and more difficult for businesses to earn every penny from consumers' pockets. So, what is the situation in 618 this year? What changes in consumption trends does the "shopping cart" reflect? ## JD.com has grown faster than expected, and "One-Click Price Protection" has been clicked more than 0.66 billion times this year's 618, which is also called the most 618 in history. JD.com said that this year's 618 coincides with the 20th anniversary of JD.com's start-up, and it will also be the 618 with the most investment and initiative in the history of JD.com. In the early morning of June 19, JD.com took the lead in publishing the 618 war report. JD.com said that as of 23:59 on June 18, * * JD.com's 618 growth rate exceeded expectations in 2023, setting a new record * , and a large number of brand merchants had achieved brilliant growth in this JD.com 618 ". Not only did the number of online brand merchants participate in the highest level in history, but the number of offline physical stores also reached a new high. Data released by JD.com showed that the turnover of 3C digital and household appliances for trade-in increased by more than 150 year on year. During this year's JD.com 618, the number of goods participating in the 10 billion subsidy " * reached more than 10 times that of March * *". "One-click price protection" **has been clicked more than 0.66 billion times. * *! In terms of background services, during the JD.com 618, the peak value of JD.com cloud users per second "increased by 119% year on year". JD.com Cloud Hybrid Multi-Cloud Operating System Cloud Ship, 3 years to "increase the effectiveness of processor computing by more than 100". JD.com said that this year's JD.com 618, more than 1200 new trend categories, during this year's JD.com 618 climax, more than 95% of the country's districts and counties to achieve the next day. ## Taobao's largest Tmall scale has ever been Tao Tian Group has also shifted its focus from fancy marketing to low prices. Dai Shan, President of Taobao Tmall Business Group, said: "Taobao will make a huge investment in history to make a large user scale for merchants". Tao Tian Group's "War Report" shows that this year's 618 scale is the largest ever, * * Taobao brush short video users increased by 113 year-on-year, the number of views and viewing time also doubled accordingly. * * The number of merchants publishing short videos on Taobao every day increased by 55% and the number of talents increased by 200. Ali's mother and president of market public relations of Tao Tian group, Liu bo, said that * * users are willing to spend more time shopping on Taobao * , which is the biggest gain for Tao Tian's 618 to seek innovation and change this year. This year, Taobao Tmall 618 continued its innovative leadership in the consumer field, making consumers feel that Taobao is easy to buy and shop, thus attracting more comprehensive business types to participate. This makes this year's 618 to become the largest participating businesses so far. In response to the change in the way consumers interact, Taobao launched the "Live Flash Festival" for the first time this year, which was welcomed by users and businesses. The number of people watching the live broadcast increased by 60% compared with last year, and the number of store broadcast transactions of participating businesses generally increased by 2-3 times compared with the daily one. During the same period, the number of talent anchors who came to Taobao this 618 increased by 139 year on year.! On the merchant side, Taobao launched the Taobao Good Price Festival, an exclusive venue for small and medium-sized merchants, for the first time during the 618 this year, thus enriching this year's 618 and all kinds of merchants also reaping business opportunities in this 618. As of 0 o'clock on June 18, * * the turnover of more than 2.56 million small and medium-sized businesses this 618 exceeded that of the same period last year. There are also 1.18 million small and medium-sized businesses that have reached a small breakthrough of " * 10000 yuan deal", of which 68000 have joined Taobao for less than 3 months. Just after 0 o'clock on June 18, the number of brands with a turnover of 100 million has reached 305. There are many time-honored brands and new Chinese products with a turnover of 100 million yuan, such as Laomiao Gold, Caibai, Laifen, Youshyan, etc.! ## PDD 10 billion subsidies and then increase the code in the low price competition, PDD in this 618 to what extent? As has been emphasizing the low price of e-commerce platform, in the evening of May 30, 10 points, PDD "618 open door" activity is also fully launched, 10 billion subsidies 5 billion coupons, to create the most affordable 618 in history. During the activity, each person can receive up to 500 yuan coupons, which can be used on the basis of 10 billion subsidies. On June 15, PDD 10 billion subsidy 618 activities will issue 10 billion coupons one after another, which will greatly supplement the whole category of goods such as mobile phones, digital, home appliances, beauty makeup, fresh food, mother and child, clothing, etc., * * continue to create the most favorable 618 in history. Since the opening of the 618 this year, the PDD billion subsidy has been continuously put into 15 billion coupons to provide benefits to consumers. * * Prior to this, PDD's 10 billion subsidy also launched a series of activities such as "Digital Home Appliance Consumption Season", "Home Appliance Super Supplement", "Computer Super Supplement" and "Mobile Phone Supplement Special", focusing on mobile phones, home appliances and other categories. It is reported that in order to bring consumers the shopping experience of "618 every day", since April 6 this year, PDD 10 billion subsidy has launched the "digital home appliance consumption season". In the first quarter, on the basis of 10 billion subsidy, a 1 billion of real money and silver will be invested again to provide additional subsidies for all categories of digital home appliances with strong consumer demand. Since the launch of the 10 billion subsidy "digital home appliance consumption season" and a series of supplementary activities, the consumption enthusiasm of platform users has heated up, * * the vast majority of products have doubled growth. **** During the 618 of this year, the younger trend of home appliance consumption was further highlighted. The proportion of the post-90s and post-95s groups in the consumer population increased by 11% year-on-year. **Compared with the post-80s and other consumer groups, young groups prefer smart home appliances and high-end home appliances, especially young groups in third-and fourth-tier cities have become the main group of high-end home appliance consumption, and promote the iterative upgrade of local home appliance consumption. In the enthusiastic shopping of young groups, Haier's orders for high-end washing and drying suits over 7000 yuan increased by 200 year on year, the high-end washing and drying suits of Little Swan washing machines reached 597 year on year, its high-priced sweeping was 281 year on year, the daily sales of high-end bath bully products in Opal flagship store increased 10 times year on year, and the orders of young groups for some high-priced products reached 60%, etc. ## Suning Tesco 618 Store Passenger Flow Grows 200 Year-on-Year On June 18, Suning Tesco Released "618" Home Consumption "New Trend Report". During the promotion period, Suning Tesco's national store passenger flow increased by more than 200 year-on-year, and the number of one-stop shopping orders for home appliances doubled. Among them, orders for purchases above 50000 yuan increased by 153 year-on-year, and trade-in orders increased by 128 year-on-year. Data analysis shows that new trend products, green intelligence, summer high temperature, sinking market, live e-commerce, etc., are becoming the password to leverage the rapid growth of "home consumption. Driven by high temperature weather, Suning Tesco's air-conditioning sales increased 43% year-on-year during 618. Sales of purification fans and air circulation fans also continued to climb, with year-on-year growth of 671 and 32% respectively. Due to the rainy season in the south, online dehumidifier sales increased 92% year on year. In addition, refrigerators and other refrigeration equipment also ushered in a small sales peak, with sales of large-capacity refrigerators above 500L up 27% year-on-year, and sales of "heat-relieving sharps" such as household ice bars, wine cabinets and cold water dispensers up 53% year-on-year. Suning Tesco pointed out that 618 this year, residents' consumption habits are also accelerating. During the 618, more than 30% of consumers locked store coupons in the studio first, and then went to the store to experience the real machine to place orders. The number of coupons issued in the official studio of Suning Tesco's stores increased by 300 year on year. At the same time, the store's "parent-child experience economy" ushered in the outbreak, more than 40% of the store consumers tend to participate in store experience activities and then place orders, driving the store passenger flow increased by more than 200 year on year.