2023.08.14 09:34
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Soros increased holdings in Alphabet-C and Amazon, established positions in General Motors, Alibaba, and others.

Soros Fund Management, a fund under the umbrella of Ross, has submitted its second quarter holdings report (13F) as of June 30, 2023.

According to the disclosure by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Soros Fund Management, a financial giant owned by Soros, submitted its second quarter holdings report (13F) as of June 30, 2023.

Statistics show that the total market value of the fund's holdings in the second quarter was $6.412 billion, slightly lower than the total market value of $6.4487 billion in the previous quarter, representing a MoM decrease. The fund added 46 stocks to its portfolio in the second quarter and increased its holdings in 39 stocks. It also reduced its holdings in 49 stocks and completely divested from 59 stocks. Among them, the top ten holdings accounted for 33.23% of the total market value.

Among the top five major holdings, iShares iBoxx $ Ivmt Grade Coporate Bond ETF (LQD.US) ranked first, with an increase of 30% in the number of shares held compared to the previous quarter. It held approximately 3.1734 million shares with a market value of approximately $343 million, accounting for 5.35% of the investment portfolio.

Horizon Therapeutics (HZNP.US) ranked second with a holding market value of approximately $339 million, with no change in the number of shares held compared to the previous quarter, accounting for 5.28% of the investment portfolio. The Nasdaq 100 ETF Put Option (QQQ.US, PUT) ranked third, and the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY.US) ranked fourth with approximately 530,000 shares held and a market value of approximately $235 million, accounting for 3.66% of the investment portfolio. DigitalOcean (DOCN.US) bonds ranked fifth.

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It is worth noting that Soros increased his holdings in several large technology companies in the second quarter, including Google (GOOGL.US), Amazon (AMZN.US), and Rivian (RIVN.US). In the previous quarter, Soros significantly reduced his holdings in Rivian, selling a total of about 10.8 million shares, reducing the market value to about 55.4 million US dollars. Google and Amazon are ranked sixth and fifteenth in terms of market value. He also reduced his holdings in SPDR S&P Regional Banking ETF, Qualcomm, and 20 other stocks or ETFs.

In addition, Soros established positions in General Motors (GM.US), Alibaba (BABA.US), and Pioneer Natural Resources (PXD.US) in the second quarter; while completely divesting from Salesforce (CRM.US), iShares Russell 2000 ETF (IWM.US), Netflix (NFLX.US), JD.com (JD.US), and Walmart (WMT.US).

Looking at the changes in portfolio composition, the top five purchases are: Nasdaq 100 ETF Put Options, SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust, iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF (TLT.US, CALL), PDC Energy (PDCE.US), and iShares iBoxx $ Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF.

The top five sales are: Okta (OKTA.US) notes, Horizon Therapeutics Call Options (HZNP.US, CALL), iShares iBoxx USD High Yield Corporate Bond ETF (HYG.US, PUT), First Horizon National Bank (FHN.US), and RingCentral (RNG.US) notes.