裸卖空,Fails to Deliver,Threshold List,Regulation SHO 那些事
最近关于 AMC 院线(AMC.US)和 游戏驿站(GME.US)逼空的事很火热,奕维也借机会科普一下 SEC 关于做空的规定,这里只提重点,具体还是参考 sec 的官网:
裸卖空,是指投资者没有借入股票,而直接在市场上卖出根本不存在的股票,进行"裸卖空"的交易者只要在交割日期前买入股票,交易即获成功。由于"裸卖空"卖出不需要持有股票,量可以非常大,理论上可以卖空比公司发行股数还多的数量,因此会对股价造成剧烈冲击在次贷危机中,在 08 年次贷危机中,裸卖空被认为是推动市场泡沫快速破裂的原因之一
Fails to Deliver
一只股票如果被裸卖空,当你卖出时,实际上市场上买家在交易完成后,结算日发生时(T+4)并不能收到该股票(无法交割),所以这种情况会产生 fails to deliver 记录。
注意,并不是只有做空才能产生 fails to diliver,也会有其他无法交割情况产生。
Threshold List
根据 SEC 的规定,如果一只股票在连续 5 天结算期间内出现下列情况:
1. 没能在 NSCC(全美证券结算公司)交割头寸的累积达 10000 股或以上(由上可知 Fails to deliver 可能是裸卖空导致)
2. 无法交割的数量(fails to deliver),已达到该证券发行的总流通数量的 0.5%
3. 被包括在行业自我监管机构(SRO)公布的名单中
就会被列入 Threshold List 中作为重点观察名单。
Regulation SHO
为了限制过度卖空,SEC 制定了 Regulation SHO 法案:
Rule 200:Marking Requirements,券商必须把发送出去的订单标记为做多-Long,做空-Short,或者做空豁免-Short Exempt(测试熔断)
Rule 201:Short Sale Price Test Circuit Breaker,当个股的日内跌幅超过 10% 时,做空熔断触发,一旦做空熔断被触发,则当天和其后一天该股票都将被禁止做空。
Rule 203:Locate Requirement,券商必须保证,在做空发生时,其手中确实拥有对应公司足够数量的股票,不然的话就属于裸卖空,裸卖空只有做市商可以执行操作,换句话说普通散户不能执行裸卖空。
Rule 204:Close-out Requirement:重点中的重点,我们还是看英文,有三个时间点:
requires brokers and dealers that are participants of a registered clearing agency[8] to take action to close out failure to deliver positions. Closing out requires the broker or dealer to purchase or borrow securities of like kind and quantity. The participant must close out a failure to deliver for a short sale transaction by no later than the beginning of regular trading hours on the settlement day following the settlement date, referred to as T+4
在发生 fails to deliver 后的第 4 天(T+4),参与的清算机构(券商等)必须将做空的仓位平掉
If a participant has a failure to deliver that the participant can demonstrate on its books and records resulted from a long sale, or that is attributable to bona fide market making activities, the participant must close out the failure to deliver by no later than the beginning of regular trading hours on the third consecutive settlement day following the settlement date, referred to as T+6. If the position is not closed out, the broker or dealer and any broker or dealer for which it clears transactions (for example, an introducing broker)[9] may not effect further short sales in that security without borrowing or entering into a bona fide agreement to borrow the security (known as the “pre-borrowing” requirement) until the broker or dealer purchases shares to close out the position and the purchase clears and settles.
如果参与者能表明自己是为了提供流动性(一般来说是做市商),而做了一次长线做空,没有完成平仓,那么必须 T+6 平仓掉。同时,清算机构会禁止做空(做市商除外)
In addition, Rule 203(b)(3) of Regulation SHO requires that participants of a registered clearing agency must immediately purchase shares to close out failures to deliver in securities with large and persistent failures to deliver, referred to as “threshold securities,” if the failures to deliver persist for 13 consecutive settlement days
如果 fails to deliver 持续了 13 天,并且已经在 Threshold List 中,则清算机构必须平仓使得其从 Threshold List 清掉。
这里以 GME 为例来推测,这是它最近半年的做空仓位
20200710, 54559609
20200724, 53499964
20200811, 54524532
20200825, 55688385
20200910, 57860937
20200924, 66409745
20201009, 68628509
20201026, 70337051
20201110, 66806276
20201124, 67454064
20201209, 67982121
20201224, 68127116
20210101, 71196206
按照它的发行股 65.20M 算,它应该早就出现裸卖空,也就是发生 fails to diliver。发生 fails to diliver 后,按照它的做空量应该很快就会进入 Threshold List 里,GME 是纽交所股票,可以在这里查到是否在 threshold 里
果不其然,从 2020 年 12 月 8 号进入 Threshold List 中后,就再没离开过。所以这波暴涨,除了机构、小散、做市商,还有来自做空者自己的力量。
接下来想谈谈这次博弈。考虑一个简单模型,假设市场上只有两个玩家,一个是机构,持有 100 股,另一个是散户,但只有买 1 股的资金,那个 100 股的机构想做空,它的对手盘散户能接住吗?接不住。所以机构做空 100 股,首先要有人能接这 100 股,而这个人只能也是机构或者大股东。
因为价格是由边界决定的,假设当前股价如果是 100,每天成交量是 500 万也好 1000 万也好,这个小散如果想把价格推高到 1000,他只需要 1000 刀就够了,它开两个账户,B 账户以 1000 刀的价格卖 1 股,A 账户以 1000 刀的价格买 1 股,价格成交完成后,某大户爆仓,所以不是千万小散的资金能堆积超过大户,是大户首先和大户拼虚脱了,小散才有机会。
什么时候这种针对个股的逼空行情(不限 GME)结束呢?奕维大胆猜测,很可能是两种情况:
1. 大盘坏掉,小散逃命
2. 持正股的机构或者大股东赚够了卖出。小散永远不能直接接住泰森的正拳,只能等力竭了才能决定市场边界价格。
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