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A "viager" is a real estate transaction, popular in France, where the buyer makes a down payment and then a series of payments for as long as the seller is alive.

Definition: A life annuity (Viager) is a popular real estate transaction method in France where the buyer pays a down payment and then makes a series of payments for the duration of the seller's life. This type of transaction is often used by elderly individuals to sell their property and ensure a stable income for the rest of their lives.

Origin: The concept of life annuity originated in medieval France, where it was used as a means of providing retirement security. Over time, this transaction method evolved and became a notable part of the modern French real estate market.

Categories and Characteristics: Life annuities are mainly divided into two types: free life annuity and occupied life annuity.

  • Free Life Annuity: The buyer can immediately occupy and use the property after paying the down payment and regular payments.
  • Occupied Life Annuity: The seller continues to live in the property for the rest of their life, and the buyer can only occupy and use the property after the seller's death.
The characteristics of this transaction method include:
  • The seller receives a stable income, ensuring their livelihood in old age.
  • The buyer has the opportunity to acquire property at a lower initial cost.
  • The uncertainty of the transaction lies in the seller's lifespan, as the buyer may need to make payments for an extended period.

Specific Cases:

  • Case 1: A 75-year-old Frenchman decides to sell his property through a life annuity. The buyer pays a down payment and agrees to make monthly payments until the seller's death. The seller continues to live in the property and enjoys a stable income.
  • Case 2: A young couple wants to buy a property but has limited funds. They choose a property with a life annuity, pay a lower down payment, and make monthly payments. Although they have to wait until the seller's death to occupy the property, this method allows them to enter the real estate market with a lower initial cost.

Common Questions:

  • Q: If the seller lives longer than expected, does the buyer need to continue paying?
    A: Yes, the buyer must continue to make payments until the seller's death.
  • Q: If the buyer dies before the seller, how are the payments handled?
    A: Typically, the buyer's heirs will continue to make the remaining payments.

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