2024.04.16 23:11
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BYD held the Finturbo Automotive Spring Launch Event, with the entire Finturbo family "5839" making a grand appearance!

BYD held the Equator Leopard Automobile Spring Launch Event, unveiling the "583" hardcore family, including the supercar Leopard 9. The Leopard 5 became the champion of new energy hardcore SUVs, equipped with a 1.5T engine and motor, with a total power of 505 kilowatts. The event also introduced the off-road performance and accessories of the Leopard 5

On the evening of April 16th, BYD held the Song Pro EV Spring Launch Event.

This time, the Song Pro family "5839" made its debut!

BYD Group's Chief Scientist Lian Yubo stated that based on the ultimate pursuit of off-road performance, we have successfully developed the DMO super hybrid off-road platform and launched the "583" hardcore family.

We have four core strengths in new energy off-road vehicles, including industry-leading powerful performance, over 500 kilowatts of system power, bringing the acceleration of off-road vehicles to the 4-second range per 100 kilometers for the first time, while the fuel consumption per 100 kilometers is only 7.8 liters, making it more fuel-efficient in city driving conditions.

Song 5

Song Pro EV General Manager Xiong Tianbo mentioned that in order to make everyone's car more unique, our official accessories including hand-held support, carbon steel pedals, vehicle tool platform, nitrogen shock absorbers, etc., are now available for purchase in offline stores, and soon they will also be available on our official online store.

Regarding the Song 5, Xiong Tianbo pointed out that since its launch in November last year, the cumulative delivery volume of the Song 5 has approached 20,000 units, becoming the champion of new energy large-scale hardcore SUVs for three consecutive months.

Many people drive the Song 5 in the desert, climbing the steepest slopes and kicking up the wildest sand. The sand in the desert is very soft, easily flowing, and has very low adhesion, making the wheels prone to spinning and slipping.

To be invincible in the desert, two aspects need to be taken to the extreme. First, there must be sufficient and readily available power. Second, precise recognition of road conditions and quick response, ensuring not only strength but also using it in the right place at the right time.

In terms of power, the era of gasoline cars used engine displacement to measure strength, but in the new energy era, the output power of the motor is the most direct manifestation. Therefore, even though the Song 5, weighing nearly 3 tons, is equipped with only a 1.5T high-power engine, when paired with a 200-kilowatt front motor and a 285-kilowatt rear motor, its total system power reaches 505 kilowatts, almost equivalent to a 5.0T displacement in the gasoline era.

The second killer feature of the Song 5 is its rapid response and precise recognition. The response speed of the motor is measured in milliseconds. While a gasoline car adjusts torque once, the Song 5 has adjusted it 20 times, faster than the time it takes for a person to blink.

Thanks to BYD's consistent focus on new energy for 30 years, the Song 5 has excellent heat management capabilities. Even under long periods of high-power output, the Song 5's motor remains unrestricted The Leopard 5 combines mechanical locks and electrical capabilities. The front and rear toothpick-style mechanical locks are stable and reliable, while the electrical system allows for a 30 times faster torque transfer between the front and rear than traditional central locks. When electricity and mechanics collide, it is fast and stable. This also gives the Leopard 5 extremely strong off-road capabilities, making it easy to deal with muddy roads in off-road conditions.

In addition to sand and mud, the Leopard 5 can also cross long distances.

Crossing the Kunlun Mountains, with steep mountain roads, harsh climates, and various road conditions such as mud, water, soil, and rocks, presents a huge challenge to the vehicle's comprehensive off-road capabilities and reliability. At the same time, the Keriya Ancient Road has large changes in altitude, thin air, and the power attenuation of traditional fuel off-road vehicles is also a major challenge for crossing.

With its versatile off-road capabilities, super power, large torque, intelligent triple locks, and the DMO architecture empowered by electricity, the Leopard 5 has the inherent advantage of power unaffected by the environment, successfully achieving zero vehicle damage in crossing the Keriya Ancient Road.

Low energy consumption for daily urban commuting is also a specialty of the Leopard 5. Equipped with the DMO platform, the Leopard 5 mainly uses electric drive for daily use, with the engine as an auxiliary and operating in the most efficient working range for a long time, squeezing out every drop of fuel energy. With intelligent electronic control, precise switching, series-parallel driving modes, and minimal energy loss and waste, the entire system achieves the highest efficiency, saving more energy in traffic congestion.

In daily high-frequency usage scenarios, including expressways, normal roads, peak hours in the morning and evening, and congested roads with traffic lights, the Leopard 5's fuel consumption is basically around 6-7 liters, slightly higher on rainy days, about 7-8 liters.

As a hardcore SUV with outdoor attributes, the Leopard 5 has an industry-leading 6kW external discharge capacity, supporting simultaneous operation of electric hot pot, induction cooker, refrigerator, coffee machine, lighting, ambient lighting, heater, air fryer, and more, without worrying about tripping.

To allow users to enjoy nature more freely, the Leopard 5 is also equipped with industry-leading on-site power generation capacity of 20kW, much more powerful than many household diesel generators you can buy, providing versatile electricity at your fingertips, making it a unique presence in terms of electricity.

Leopard 8

BYD Group's Chief Scientist Lian Yubo pointed out that the Leopard 8 is the hardcore flagship SUV model of the FANG Leopard brand, and its design adopts the future starship aesthetic language.

The design of the Leopard 8 adopts the future starship aesthetic language, with a disruptive design. On the side, metal tools are used to create sharp starship V-shaped surfaces, presenting a strong visual impact and ultimate light and shadow effects.

In terms of configuration, the Leopard 8 is equipped with a hybrid four-wheel drive system, and will also be equipped with the Yunche-P intelligent hydraulic body control system. The Leopard 8 is equipped with a longitudinally mounted high-power engine + dedicated CTC battery + dedicated off-road rear-drive assembly, integrating electronic differential lock The Ultimate Proportion and Body Posture are Integrated into the Design, with Water Cutting Lines Extending from the Hood Features and a Suspended Roof. While Considering Passenger Visibility, the Window-to-Body Ratio is Kept at 3:1, Along with a Broad Shoulder and Strong Waistline, Showcasing Explosive Volume.

Leopard 3

Super 3 is positioned as a compact SUV. Lian Yubo said that next, Leopard 3 will explore new ways of playing with disruptive trends. How to define personalized trends? We hope it is a nimble appearance. The design inspiration for the "SUPER 3" comes from Star Wars.

In addition, Super 3 will be equipped with a Star Wars chassis.

Meanwhile, the interconnection of all things is the future trend of mobile travel. The smart screen of Super 3 perfectly demonstrates the social interaction of the vehicle. Designed and defined in real scenarios, it can perceive the current driving environment and vehicle status in real time, make autonomous decisions, and collaborate with vehicles, drones, mobile phones, and other terminals to create a fully connected ecosystem.

Leopard 9

This time, the supercar Leopard 9 made a surprising appearance!

Officially introduced as a sports car, Leopard 9 features suspended butterfly doors, enhancing both aesthetics and functionality. At the bottom, two functional blades - suspended sharp blades are designed to achieve better aerodynamic performance.

From the beginning of the design, the vehicle perfectly combines aerodynamics with lightweight design, allowing Super 9 to remain stable at high speeds, improving performance and fuel efficiency. Leopard 9 adopts carbon fiber frame technology, achieving its ultimate lightweight design while ensuring structural strength and maximum performance