2024.05.09 22:03
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Report: OpenAI plans to announce an artificial intelligence search engine next Monday

OpenAI plans to announce its AI-based search product next Monday, May 13th, in an attempt to compete with Google Search. The earliest leak was announced by OpenAI this Thursday, with reports a few days ago stating that the timing had been delayed. The latest leak of May 13th is just one day before Google's annual "Google I/O" conference

On Thursday, it was reported that OpenAI plans to announce its AI-based search product next Monday, May 13, in an attempt to compete with Google Search.

Last week, multiple sources confirmed that OpenAI will release the highly anticipated ChatGPT search engine product. OpenAI is expected to make the announcement at 10 a.m. local time on May 9, which is around 2 a.m. on Friday in Beijing time. It is reported that OpenAI will launch a search webpage, with the domain name search.chatgpt.com and related SSL certificate already created, expected to go live on May 9. OpenAI has not responded to these reports.

A few days after the disclosure of the May 9 schedule, there were reports that OpenAI is considering postponing this week's product launch event.

Industry insiders pointed out that the original schedule of May 9 by OpenAI is quite interesting, as Google will hold its annual "Google I/O" conference on May 14, and OpenAI does not want Google's tech conference to overshadow the launch of its product. The latest disclosure on May 13 is just one day before Google's major conference.

An article on the Wall Street News website has introduced earlier that some lucky individuals have already obtained the beta testing qualification for ChatGPT search, with an overall positive evaluation but still some flaws.

Here is how OpenAI's AI search works:

When asked about the content of an Apple event, ChatGPT Search can provide fast and accurate answers.

When asked about real-time information like Bitcoin prices, its performance is not as strong, providing a price of $62,204 while the actual Bitcoin price was around $63,500 at that time.

The ChatGPT search engine can not only accurately find corresponding posts but also provide information on content themes, posting users, comment counts, and more.

Netizens' evaluation of OpenAI's AI search is that for information it doesn't know, it will go online to search, but for very real-time information, it still cannot handle it well As of the time of publication, the website "search.chatgpt.com" shows Not Found. Previously, users reported that it existed, and although accessing it now results in an error, it also indicates that OpenAI will eventually officially launch its search function.

As a leader in AI, OpenAI still faces tremendous pressure. Analysis suggests that in order to maintain a leading position in the field of AI chatbots, AI search is indispensable. Competitors including Google and AI search startup Perplexity are also working hard. Perplexity has already achieved a valuation of $1 billion with its precise AI search and citation features. Google is also fully AI-izing its search engine business and plans to announce the latest plans for the Gemini AI model at next week's developer conference