2024.05.14 04:02
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Hong Kong Stock Concept Tracking | Apple Vision Pro has passed the China 3C certification. Attention on Apple's supply chain (with concept stocks)

Apple's Vision Pro has passed the China 3C certification and is ready to launch its mixed reality headphones in the international market. Apple has deployed hundreds of employees for training and plans to officially launch it after the WWDC. Despite the high price and signs of slowing demand, Apple remains optimistic about the market prospects for Vision Pro headphones

According to the website of the China Quality Certification Center, Apple's head-mounted display product has passed the 3C certification in China.

It is reported that Apple (AAPL.US) is preparing to launch its Vision Pro mixed reality headset in the international market to stimulate demand for this high-value product. According to sources, the tech giant has started training its international store employees to prepare for the global sales of this high-end headset priced at up to $3,499.

Apple has dispatched hundreds of employees from its international stores in Germany, France, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and China to its headquarters in Cupertino, California. These employees are undergoing a four-day training to learn how to demonstrate this technologically advanced headset to customers. This move indicates that the mentioned countries are likely to be the first batch of international markets for the Vision Pro headset.

Apple plans to officially launch the Vision Pro headset in the international market after the conclusion of the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) scheduled from June 10th to 14th. The timing of this choice shows Apple's high expectations for this product, hoping to leverage the buzz of WWDC to drive its global sales.

Despite the initial strong market response to the Vision Pro headset, analysts have observed signs of slowing demand due to its expensive price. However, Apple seems to remain optimistic about the market prospects for the Vision Pro headset.

The complete hardware specifications of Vision Pro have been fully disclosed, with over 64% of the supply chain companies coming from mainland China and Taiwan, according to brokerage research report data.

Apple's related supply chain companies:

Goertek Inc. (01415): The company is a precision optical module supplier for electronic mobile devices. Since 2009, Apple has been purchasing the camera modules produced by the company, becoming its largest customer. The Apple MR new product may drive the company's revenue growth. The number of camera modules for AppleVisionPro is as high as 12, which may be exclusively supplied by Goertek. Institutions believe that the indirect relationship between Goertek and Lixun Precision may give Goertek more say in the Apple MR new product market.

BYD Electronics (00285): The first-quarter profit in 2024 meets market expectations. Benefiting from the revenue contribution of the Jiepu factory, the recovery of the Android business, and the further development of the automotive electronics business, the revenue and net profit attributable to shareholders in the first quarter of 2024 were RMB 36.48 billion (a year-on-year increase of 38.3%) and RMB 610 million (a year-on-year increase of 33.0%) respectively. BYD Electronics independently developed a full range of autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) to provide comprehensive logistics solutions for factories. In the development of high-end AMRs, NVIDIA provided technical support based on the NVIDIA Isaac and Jetson platforms to help customers accelerate the deployment of logistics applications Q Technology (01478): In April, the sales volume of mobile camera modules increased by 39.2% year-on-year to 40.801 million units.

Sunny Optical Technology (02382): In April, the shipment volume of mobile lenses was approximately 102 million units, an increase of 6.4% year-on-year.

AAC Technologies (02018): The acquired PSS company is expected to contribute revenue of 3 billion to 3.5 billion this year