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2024.05.30 08:33
I'm PortAI, I can summarize articles.

Made a big profit of 28 million in six months! She bought NVIDIA call options

Pelosi bought a call option with a purchase price of around $370. The current price is $1,010, showing a staggering increase of 170%

Making a big profit of 170% in six months, NVIDIA options are Pelosi's most successful investment.

How much money was made

In November 2023, Pelosi bought NVIDIA call options (valued at $1-5 million).

NVIDIA's stock price has risen by 131.8% from 2024 to date. The call option, expiring on December 20, 2024, with a strike price of $120, was purchased for around $370 at the time and is currently priced at $1010, a whopping 170% increase.

Therefore, Pelosi's original investment of $1-5 million has now turned into a profit of 170-850 million.

According to data from "Unusual Whales," a financial service platform specializing in exposing insider trading in Congress, Pelosi has made nearly $4 million (approximately RMB 28 million) from this. It can be inferred that the original investment was around $2.3 million.

The website's data tracking is as follows:

Was there insider trading?

As early as 2022, weeks before the U.S. Congress voted on whether to provide massive subsidies to the chip manufacturing industry, Pelosi's husband Paul purchased NVIDIA call options worth over $1 million. After Pelosi faced criticism for the timing of her stock purchases, Paul sold these call options.

In February, Fox News reported that Pelosi was under widespread scrutiny due to her husband Paul's stock purchases.

Fox News reported that Pelosi had stated that her husband never bought stocks based on information she provided, and her office kept her financial decisions separate from Paul's. However, after the controversy subsided, Paul reinvested in NVIDIA stocks and signed a new contract at the end of last year. Since then, NVIDIA's stock price has been soaring.

Netizens' reaction: The corrupt couple

Previously, according to Christopher Josephs, co-founder of Autopilot, an app that allows individuals to track and replicate politicians' trades, he estimated Pelosi's investment to be around $2.5 million, but Pelosi's office did not respond to requests for comment on the matterOn social media platform X, some netizens expressed no surprise: "Not surprised by that corrupt couple." "Insider trading!" ↓

"Said it a thousand times: Ban members of Congress from trading stocks." ↓

Some media outlets reported that young American investors have realized that even the most sophisticated Wall Street investors cannot compete with policymakers and lawmakers in obtaining insider information. Therefore, they have hailed Pelosi as the "Stock Market Queen" and "the biggest dark horse in the U.S. stock market." They closely follow her investment trends on social media, making "Pelosi stock picks" and "buying stocks following Pelosi" hot topics.

Copying homework, what stocks are in Pelosi's portfolio?

As of 2024, the overall return of Pelosi's portfolio is 23.83%, surpassing the SPY index's 16.5%.

In Pelosi's portfolio, not only has NVIDIA performed well, but other stocks have also shown significant gains, with CrowdStrike rising by 45% and Google by 27% this year.