2024.06.03 01:54
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Understanding the Market | Apple Concept Stocks Lead the Way with iPhone's "Price for Volume" Strategy Showing Results as Apple WWDC Conference Approaches

BYD Electronics, Sunny Optical, and Qiu Tai Technology are the top gainers in the Apple concept stocks. JD.com announced further price reductions on Apple products, leading to an increase in iPhone sales. According to data from the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, China's mobile phone shipments in April this year increased by 28.8% year-on-year, with Apple's iPhone taking the lead. Apple will hold the WWDC Global Developers Conference on June 11th, unveiling the new iOS 18 and macOS 15 systems, with AI technology as the highlight

According to the Zhitong Finance and Economics APP, Apple concept stocks led the gains. As of the time of publication, BYD Electronics (00285) rose by 7.54% to HKD 35.65, Sunny Optical (02382) rose by 4.54% to HKD 45.9, Q Technology (01478) rose by 2.89% to HKD 3.56, and GoerTek (01415) rose by 1.65% to HKD 21.6.

On the news front, on May 31st, JD.com once again announced an increase in the discount for Apple products. The iPhone 15 Pro Max has a maximum discount of RMB 2350, and the iPhone 15 Pro is discounted by RMB 2100. Apple has been continuously lowering prices in the Chinese market this year. On the evening of May 20th, Apple also launched the "largest price reduction in history," offering discounts on the iPhone 15 series, with the highest discount of RMB 2300 for the iPhone 15 Pro model. The strategy of trading price for volume has been effective. It is reported that during the Tmall 618 Shopping Festival on May 20th at 8 p.m., Apple's transaction volume exceeded RMB 1.5 billion in the mobile digital market within the first hour of sales.

According to data from the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, China's mobile phone shipments reached 24.071 million units in April, an increase of 28.8% year-on-year. About 3.5 million of these shipped phones were from foreign brands, with iPhones accounting for the vast majority. Based on this calculation, foreign media estimate that iPhone shipments in April this year increased by 52% compared to the same period last year when 2.3 million iPhones were shipped. In addition, Apple's WWDC Global Developers Conference 2024 will be held on June 11th, where iOS 18 and macOS 15 new systems will be released. The new systems will deeply integrate AI, with AI expected to be the biggest highlight