2024.06.03 15:49
I'm PortAI, I can summarize articles.

NYSE Technical Glitch: Berkshire Hathaway Class A shares, owned by Buffett, plummet 99%

The New York Stock Exchange reported that due to technical issues with the price limit mechanism, companies such as Berkshire Hathaway did not display stock prices correctly. Currently, trading for these companies has been suspended

On the evening of June 3rd, the New York Stock Exchange experienced a technical glitch that caused some stock prices to display abnormally. Berkshire Hathaway's Class A shares, for example, showed a nearly 100% plunge, almost to zero. Other affected stocks included Barrick Gold and Nuscale Power, prompting NYSE to halt trading for these stocks.

At 10:11 PM Beijing time, the New York Stock Exchange reported that they were investigating a technical issue that caused the circuit breaker mechanisms to not function as expected, affecting the normal display of stock prices. It is currently unclear how many stocks were impacted by this issue.