2024.06.11 03:59
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Why does Apple mention "Apple Intelligence" instead of "Artificial Intelligence"?

Apple introduced a new artificial intelligence feature at the WWDC 2024 conference, but dared not mention "artificial intelligence", instead calling it "Apple Intelligence". The reason is that Apple's customer base has stronger stickiness. Unlike Google, Apple adopts a low-key strategy, making "Apple Intelligence" a background element of beloved features for users

In the keynote address at WWDC 2024 on Monday, Apple announced a large number of new artificial intelligence features, but hesitated to directly say that these features are all driven by artificial intelligence.

According to statistics, Apple only mentioned "Artificial Intelligence" 3 times at the WWDC 2024 conference. In contrast, Google used the term "Artificial Intelligence" over 120 times in last month's Google I/O keynote.

Unlike Google's frequent mention of "Artificial Intelligence," Apple chose to refer to it as "Apple Intelligence." These features include email proofreading, audio transcription, and image editing, which are also available on other platforms, but Apple has also introduced a unique Genmoji image creation feature.

This approach may be related to Apple's loyal user base. Professor Andy Tsay of Santa Clara University pointed out that Apple users have strong stickiness and are not easily swayed to other platforms.

By limiting features like iMessage message sending, Apple has formed a unique small group and focused on creating user-friendly and desirable products. This has made Apple a company worth $2.6 trillion, but its valuation is still lower than Microsoft, which has benefited from investments in artificial intelligence.

Apple is taking a low-key approach to embracing artificial intelligence, making "Apple Intelligence" a beloved background element for users, avoiding triggering some social concerns, such as by reducing image creation functions to avoid issues like deepfake photos.

While some believe Apple is catching up with its competitors, others believe Apple is carefully considering and ensuring that new features truly solve problems. In contrast, some of Google's mistakes in artificial intelligence, such as generating historical figures in Nazi uniforms, indicate problems encountered when rushing progress.

Apple clearly does not feel the same pressure. It already has a customer base willing to pay a premium for simple and effective products. Tsay believes that when you are in a market-leading position, there is no need to take unnecessary risks