2024.06.12 00:38
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Hong Kong Stock Concept Tracking | Apple's stock price surged more than 7%, hitting a record high. Apple + Mobile Industry Chain Benefit (Concept Stocks Attached)

Apple's stock price surged more than 7% on Tuesday, hitting a record high and approaching the title of the world's most valuable company. Apple has released new artificial intelligence features aimed at reigniting demand for the iPhone. Apple's supply chain is benefiting significantly, with related companies COWELL, BYD ELECTRONIC, AAC TECH, and Sunny Optical Technology also set to benefit

Apple's stock price surged more than 7% on Tuesday, hitting a record high and approaching the title of the world's most valuable company back from Microsoft.

The day before, Apple released new artificial intelligence features aimed at reigniting demand for the iPhone. Apple's market value is $3.18 trillion, second only to Microsoft's $3.22 trillion, and slightly higher than Nvidia's $2.97 trillion.

The three companies are fiercely competing for the title of the world's most valuable company. After Apple's developer event for the AI suite, at least 13 analysts raised their target stock price for Apple. Some analysts stated that as the company prepares to release a new series of iPhones in the fall, the latest features may drive sales.

Guotai Junan released a research report stating that Apple (AAPL.US) releasing Apple Intelligence is expected to become the definer of edge AI in the future. Optimizing AI functions for smartphones, computers, and other devices will further drive the replacement wave, benefiting deeply the Apple supply chain.

Apple and related companies in the mobile phone supply chain:

COWELL (01415): Mainly preparing to increase operating expenses for the penetration of iPhone rear camera modules (CCM). Institutions predict that the group's sales in the first half of this year will increase by 39% year-on-year. It is also believed that starting from the second half of this year, the group may gain a market share of 25% to 35% in the field of periscope lenses and rear CCM for the iPhone 16 Pro model.

BYD ELECTRONIC (00285): Citigroup research indicates that based on pre-stocking situations, the supply chain will benefit from double-digit growth in iPad production. BYD Electronic, responsible for assembly, and COWELL, supplying lens modules, will be the main beneficiaries.

AAC TECH (02018): The flagship smartphones of a U.S. customer this year will upgrade from physical keys to solid-state key design keys/virtual keys, requiring additional haptic vibrators to achieve virtual key functions.

SUNNY OPTICAL (02382): In May 2024, the shipment volume of mobile phone lenses was approximately 104 million units, an increase of 1.8% month-on-month and 9.6% year-on-year; the shipment volume of car lenses was 8.339 million units, a decrease of 7% month-on-month and an increase of 9.9% year-on-year. The shipment volume of mobile camera modules was 45.49 million units, a decrease of 0.4% month-on-month and 6.9% year-on-year.

Q Technology (01478): Q Technology released sales volume data for April, with sales of approximately 40.807 million mobile camera modules, an increase of 10.8% month-on-month and 39.2% year-on-year; total sales of camera modules amounted to 41.564 million units, an increase of 9.6% month-on-month and 39.2% year-on-year. The announcement stated that the increase in sales volume of camera module products month-on-month and year-on-year was mainly due to the recovery of customer project cycles and the demand in the smartphone market