2024.06.17 08:47
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AH stocks opened low and rose, with Apple concept stocks strengthening, BYD ELECTRONIC rose more than 6%

Concept stocks related to Apple strengthened, LY iTECH hit the limit up, GoerTek, and Luxshare Precision rose by over 7%. Shipping, coal, and liquor sectors fell, with Kweichow Moutai dropping by over 1%. Hong Kong stocks turned higher, with the Hang Seng Index reaching the 18,000 mark, and BYD ELECTRONIC rose by over 6%

On Monday, A-shares opened lower and rose during the day, with mixed performance at midday closing. The Shanghai Composite Index fell by 0.51% at midday, the Shenzhen Component Index rose by 0.37%, and the ChiNext Index rose by 0.8%. The total turnover of the two markets reached 490.1 billion, with 1764 stocks rising. The consumer electronics sector led the gains, with Apple concept stocks performing strongly; the semiconductor industry chain strengthened, with GPU and the direction of the National Large Fund performing well; the themes of connected cars, power batteries, CPO, and new energy vehicles were among the top gainers. The coal, shipping, liquor, and real estate sectors showed significant declines.

In the Hong Kong stock market, it also opened lower and rose during the day, with the Hang Seng Index rising by 0.2% at midday to 17,978.3 points, briefly touching the 18,000-point mark. The Hang Seng TECH Index rose by 0.12% to 3712.07 points. Apple concept stocks were strong, with BYD ELECTRONIC rising by 6%.

In terms of A-share sectors, Apple concept stocks collectively surged, with LY iTECH hitting the limit up, Luxshare Precision up over 9%, GoerTek up over 7%.

The large aircraft sector led the gains, with AVIC Aircraft up by 14%, AVIC Jonhon Optronic Technology hitting the limit up, Jinfa Sun up by over 7%, Xinyan Shares, Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry, AVIC Avionics, and Runbay Aviation following the uptrend.

In news, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the National Natural Science Foundation of China signed a cooperation agreement on the 14th to jointly establish the Large Aircraft Basic Research Joint Fund. The Large Aircraft Basic Research Joint Fund is jointly funded and established by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, focusing on the national strategic needs in the field of large aircraft, supporting basic, forward-looking, and innovative research around the long-term development needs of large aircraft in safety, reliability, green environmental protection, intelligent efficiency, economic convenience, etc.

Concept stocks of new energy vehicles strengthened, with Silesia up by over 5%, JAC Motors up by 4.4%, Zhongtong Bus, Changan Automobile, and BAIC BluePark among the top gainers.

The semiconductor sector rose in early trading, with CETC up by over 7.7%.

Commercial aerospace stocks also rose.

Coal stocks fell again.

Liquor stocks continued to decline, with Kweichow Moutai falling more than 1%.

Shipping stocks continued to weaken, with Phoenix Shipping falling more than 4%.

Real estate stocks also collectively weakened, with Nandu Property and Tefang Services falling by more than 4%.

In the Hong Kong stock sector, Apple concept stocks strengthened, with BYD Electronic rising more than 6% and Sunny Optical Technology rising more than 3%.

Automobile stocks rose, with BYD Company's shares up by 2.8%. Recently, BYD's stock price has been continuously rising, mainly due to the market's significantly increased sales expectations for the Qin L series.

Shipping stocks continued to decline, with China COSCO Shipping falling by nearly 3%.

Power stocks fell.

Market News

"No interest rate cut"! The central bank continued to maintain a net injection of 182 billion yuan in MLF for the fourth consecutive month

On Monday, June 17th, the central bank conducted a 182 billion yuan one-year MLF operation with a stable interest rate of 2.5%. Today, 237 billion yuan of one-year MLF matured, resulting in a net withdrawal of 55 billion yuan in funds from this MLF operation.

The People's Bank of China stated in its open market business transaction announcement that in order to maintain reasonable and ample liquidity in the banking system, the People's Bank of China conducted 40 billion yuan of reverse repurchase operations and 182 billion yuan of Medium-term Lending Facility (MLF) operations on June 17, 2024, fully meeting the financial institutions' needs China's May total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 3.7% year-on-year, rebounding for the first time in five months

In May, the growth rate of China's total retail sales of consumer goods rebounded. Sales of upgraded goods such as sports and entertainment products, cosmetics, etc., grew rapidly, while sales of gold and silver jewelry, building and decoration materials, and automobiles declined.

Data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on June 17th showed that in May, the total retail sales of consumer goods reached 3.9211 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.7%, an increase of 1.4 percentage points from the previous month, and a month-on-month increase of 0.51%. Excluding automobiles, the retail sales of consumer goods reached 3.5336 trillion yuan, an increase of 4.7%.

China's industrial value added above designated size increased by 5.6% year-on-year in May, down from the previous value of 6.7%

On the 17th, the National Bureau of Statistics released data showing that in May, the industrial value added above designated size increased by 5.6% year-on-year (the growth rate of value added is the actual growth rate excluding price factors). Looking at a month-on-month basis, the industrial value added above designated size increased by 0.30% compared to the previous month in May. From January to May, the industrial value added above designated size increased by 6.2% year-on-year.

In May, 2 cities among the 70 large and medium-sized cities in China saw a month-on-month increase in the prices of new residential buildings

Data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on June 17th showed that in May, 2 cities among the 70 large and medium-sized cities in China saw a month-on-month increase in the prices of new residential buildings, compared to 6 cities in April. Shanghai led the way with a 0.6% increase, while Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen saw decreases of 1.1%, 0.6%, 1.4%, and 0.8% respectively.

An increase of 170 million shares in one day for margin financing and securities lending? CSRC clarifies: due to adjustments in index constituent stocks, strict regulatory policies remain unchanged

Over the weekend, rumors of a significant increase in margin financing and securities lending were urgently clarified by regulatory authorities on Sunday evening. In response to claims that "margin financing and securities lending surged, causing the market to continue to decline, with nearly 170 million shares added in one day on June 12th," the CSRC responded on Sunday evening, stating that "the media cited individual trading day's new lending data, ignoring the situation of stock return and balance reduction."