2024.06.18 11:51
I'm PortAI, I can summarize articles.

PERFECT OPT: Huang Yizhong and Huang Zhichao resign as independent non-executive directors

According to the news from Zhitong Finance APP, PERFECT OPT announced that Mr. Huang Yizhong and Mr. Huang Zhichao, independent non-executive directors of the company, plan to devote more time to focus on other work and further pursue other business interests. They will resign from their positions as independent non-executive directors after the annual general meeting of shareholders

According to the news from Zhitong Finance APP, PERFECT OPT (08311) announced that Mr. Huang Yizhong and Mr. Huang Zhichao, independent non-executive directors of the company, plan to devote more time to focus on other work and further pursue other business interests. They will resign from their positions as independent non-executive directors after the annual general meeting of shareholders