2024.06.22 01:37
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Deutsche Bank is at it again in April: it's time for the S&P 500 Index's upward momentum to take a break

After the recent record highs in the US stock market, Deutsche Bank has poured cold water on the market: S&P 500 needs to "take a breather" after its recent continuous rise. Last time in April, Deutsche Bank said that the US stock market needed to "take a break", and the S&P 500 subsequently fell by 4.6% in the following two weeks

After the recent record highs in the US stock market, Deutsche Bank has poured cold water on the market.

In a recent research report, Deutsche Bank pointed out that the S&P 500, after continuous rise recently, needs to "take a breather" again.

Deutsche Bank's strategists had previously suggested on April 5th that the upward trend in the US stock market might pause, and the S&P 500 index dropped by 4.6% in the two weeks following their warning.

This time, Deutsche Bank strategists, including Parag Thatte, explained the three main reasons for a possible pullback in the US stock market: a sharp increase in stock positions, massive inflows of stock funds, and a blackout period for buybacks before the second-quarter earnings reports.

According to Deutsche Bank's data, both active and passive funds' stock positions have reached the top 5% range of historical data in the past 10 years, and stock funds have seen nine consecutive weeks of inflows, pushing risk appetite to the "limit."

Finally, Deutsche Bank's strategists estimate that starting from the end of next week, companies accounting for nearly half of the market value of the S&P 500 index will enter a blackout period for buybacks, which will temporarily prevent companies from repurchasing stocks to support stock prices