2024.07.03 00:07
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"豪门" Wealth Management Scandal? Vanke Employees Expose Explosive Information, Latest Response!

The market's attention has been drawn to the delayed redemption of products by Peng JinSuo, involving an estimated amount of at least 700-800 million RMB. Although this incident does not involve Vanke, several Vanke employees have purchased related financial products. Peng Ding Chuang Ying has issued a statement stating that they are actively raising funds to safeguard customer interests and that the situation is under control. The redemption crisis at Peng JinSuo began in May this year and has not been resolved as of now. Peng JinSuo has experienced defaults in over a dozen products, involving approximately 700-800 million RMB. As of now, there has been no response from Vanke regarding this matter

Recently, news of Pengding Chuangying Financial Information Services Co., Ltd. (referred to as Pengding Chuangying) delaying the redemption of some products has attracted market attention.

On July 1st, Pengding Chuangying issued a statement, stating that the company provides services for multiple equity income investment products, and due to market factors, the invested projects are unable to achieve returns as planned, leading to delayed redemptions of some products.

According to Securities China reporters, the redemption crisis of Pengding Chuangying's wholly-owned subsidiary, Pengjin Suo, began to emerge in May this year, with many investors' purchased products remaining unredeemed after maturity, involving an estimated amount of at least 700-800 million yuan. Among them, many internal employees of Vanke are involved.

As of now, Vanke has not responded to this matter.

"Unable to achieve returns, delayed redemption of some products"

On June 30th, a Vanke employee posted on social media that the related financial products they purchased are experiencing delayed redemptions, including a "Beixiang Equity Income Rights Product" with a term of 360 days and an expected annualized return rate of 5.2%, which matured on April 7, 2024.

According to Securities China reporters, there were previous rumors of issues with Pengding Chuangying's Dingrong products. Many Vanke employees purchased equity income rights products, which began to experience delays in March, with only a small portion redeemed before May, and no redemptions at all after May.

An employee who has worked at Vanke for many years told reporters that since March, Pengjin Suo has had over a dozen products default, involving approximately 700-800 million yuan (as told by the account manager), but has never proactively informed the employees.

"There are two investors, one is a former Vanke employee, and the other is a family member of a former Vanke employee. The three of us invested over 5 million yuan in products called Xinchuang Equity Income Rights and Hongcheng Equity Income Rights. According to Pengjin Suo, more people bought over ten million, with the majority being Vanke employees," the Vanke employee mentioned above said.

The Vanke employee stated, "Pengjin Suo" has two main issuers for internal employees, namely Huicheng Haotao and Ruijin Xi. Among them, the true issuer of Ruijin Xi is Shenzhen Ying'an Financial Advisory Co., Ltd., and the true issuer of Huicheng Haotao is Boshang Asset Management Co., Ltd., which is a suspected shadow company of the actual borrower. However, according to the industrial equity information, these two companies have no obvious connection with Vanke.

An investor who purchased products through an introduction by a Vanke internal employee told Securities China reporters, "Pengjin Suo offers a five-point interest rate, bought by internal employees of Vanke based on trust in Vanke, now that it has matured, there is no redemption, no plan, no explanation, just waiting."

"The vast majority of investors, mainly internal employees of Vanke, including myself who was introduced by an internal Vanke employee, are estimated to involve at least 400 million yuan," said the above-mentioned investor.

"Last year, when I was still employed, I bought internal financial products, 200,000 yuan, one-year term, annual interest rate of 5.2%. Originally, it should have been redeemed in May this year, but on the maturity date, I was directly notified that due to financial difficulties, the redemption could not be made and had to be postponed. Initially, I held a forgiving attitude, thinking about the industry downturn and waiting, but so far there has been no official redemption plan," said an investor claiming to be a former Vanke employee.

Yesterday, an investor claimed on a social platform that Peng Jin Suo's "Dejia Equity Income Rights Product" due on July 23rd may have redemption issues. Several investors also reported that the amounts from May and June have not been redeemed.

Furthermore, some investors mentioned that products due in March were redeemed after just one day of delay.

From the revelations of multiple investors, it seems that Peng Jin Suo's redemption crisis began to erupt around May this year.

On July 1st, Peng Jin Suo's parent company, Peng Ding Chuang Ying, issued a statement stating that the company provides services for multiple periods of equity income investment products. Due to market factors, the invested projects cannot achieve returns as planned, leading to delayed redemptions for some products at present.

Peng Ding Chuang Ying expressed deep apologies for the inconvenience caused to customers by the above situation. Adhering to the principle of maximizing customer interests, the company is actively working with relevant parties to formulate special plans, actively promoting fundraising, ensuring customer interests, and the current situation is under control.

In response, Securities China reporters have tried to contact Peng Jin Suo multiple times, but the calls have not been answered.

"Noble" Platform, Vanke Invests 300 Million

Peng Jin Suo's announcement of delayed redemption has left many investors worried.

According to investors, Peng Jin Suo's financial products belong to equity income fixed-income products, which were previously recommended internally at Vanke and voluntarily purchased by employees. The headquarters or regional companies do not make mandatory requirements. The delayed redemption of Peng Jin Suo's products belongs to non-standard debt and does not involve Vanke.

However, for investors, this type of equity income product is neither a trust nor a private equity fund, with no third-party custody or underlying collateral products. Even for internal employees, it is based on trust in the platform's fundamentals, without knowing the specific investment direction, posing a huge risk in the event of a default. Previously, there have been issues with financial products from multiple real estate companies.

According to the official website, Peng Jin Suo was established in August 2015, with the full name of Shenzhen Peng Jin Suo Internet Financial Services Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shenzhen Peng Ding Chuang Ying Financial Information Service Co., Ltd.

Peng Ding Chuang Ying was established in June 2014, during the peak period of internet finance, attracting investments from 22 listed companies and was once known as a "noble" platform. In August 2016, Peng Ding Chuang Ying received a strategic investment of 300 million yuan from Vanke, its largest financing. Tianyancha information shows that the largest shareholder of Peng Ding Chuang Ying is Shenzhen Vanke Finance, holding a high stake of 20% Public information shows that Pengjinso is committed to guiding private funds to support the development of the real economy, expanding financing channels for small and micro enterprises, helping small and micro enterprises solve financing difficulties, and providing safe investment returns for investors. Its main products include Pengjinbao, Pengjinlian, and Pengjinxin.

In June 2017, Pengjinso stated on its 3rd anniversary that "from the establishment of the company on June 16, 2014, to the official launch of the platform by the end of the same year, to the transaction amount exceeding 5 billion yuan on December 30, 2015, surpassing 10 billion yuan on September 27, 2016, and exceeding 20 billion yuan on March 23 this year. Along the way, Pengjinso has steadily grown and matured."

However, despite Pengjinso's claim to solve the financing difficulties of small and micro enterprises, in practice, it has gradually deviated from its original intention. According to media reports, Pengjinso has provided large-scale real estate financing, and many borrowers of "Pengjinxin" are Vanke employees. Vanke's use of Pengjinso for indirect financing has long been criticized by the market.

Author: Li Yan, Source: Securities China, Original Title: "Is the 'Wealthy' Financial Management Exploding? Vanke Employees Expose, Latest Response!!"