2024.07.17 04:33

Reminder: Please pay special attention today (all times are in Beijing time)

① All day: Stock markets in South Asian countries such as India and Pakistan are closed; ② Time to be determined: ASML Holding and others will release earnings reports; ③ 14:00: UK CPI for June; ④ 17:00: Eurozone final CPI for June; ⑤ 20:30: US housing starts and building permits for June; ⑥ 21:00: Richmond Fed President Barkin (2024 FOMC voter) speaks in the US; ⑦ 21:15: US industrial production for June; ⑧ 21:35: Fed Governor Waller speaks on economic outlook in the US; ⑨ 22:30: US Energy Information Administration (EIA) releases the government version of the weekly crude oil inventory report; ⑩ Next day 02:00: Fed releases the Beige Book on economic conditions