2024.07.20 09:31

Microsoft's blue screen incident did not affect many domestic enterprises, professionals say it may be related to three reasons

According to reports, many airlines such as Air China, China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines, Lucky Air, and Spring Airlines are operating flights normally without being affected by widespread system technical failures. Other public services such as high-speed rail and banks remain stable. Insiders in the cybersecurity industry suggest that the ability of these companies to "stand alone" may be related to three main factors. For example, the widespread use of domestic terminal security software like 360 in related industries; domestic security vendors do not solely rely on automated upgrades of cybersecurity products, but rather focus more on overall system operations and team building; and in recent years, regular cybersecurity attack and defense drills have been conducted to simulate real network attack scenarios, identify potential security product and system vulnerabilities, and test and enhance the protection capabilities of critical information infrastructure