2024.07.31 04:51

Zhou Hongyi talks about Microsoft's Blue Screen: There is a snowball effect inside, not just affecting individuals

At the 12th Internet Security Conference held today, Zhou Hongyi, founder, chairman, and CEO of 360 Group, mentioned Microsoft's blue screen, saying that the global airport flight issues caused by Microsoft's blue screen are due to the rapid development of digitalization. In the past, computers and mobile phones in the information age were personal tools, but now they play a huge role in our critical infrastructure. If there is a malfunction in such a production space, it may result in hospitals unable to open and counters unable to operate. Zhou Hongyi pointed out that with Microsoft's incident, you actually need to pay attention to the snowball effect it has. In his view, the Internet is a connected whole. When a software reports an error and cannot access the service, it will request more services more diligently, leading to more application servers being opened, which may trigger a chain reaction and ultimately cause a larger system failure. (Sina Technology)