2024.08.09 03:37
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Hong Kong Stock Concept Tracking | National Bureau of Statistics: Strong demand for summer travel, OTA platforms are the absolute beneficiaries of the tourism market growth (with concept stocks)

The demand for summer travel is strong, with airfares, tour packages, and hotel accommodation prices rising. The National Bureau of Statistics stated that the increase is higher than the average level of the past decade, which has a significant impact on the month-on-month rise in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Relevant departments have put forward guidance on promoting the high-quality development of public services in tourism, emphasizing the strengthening of tourism transportation infrastructure construction and the renovation of tourism facilities for the convenience of the people. Research reports from CITIC Securities and China Galaxy Securities believe that online travel agency (OTA) platforms such as Trip.com and TONGCHENGTRAVEL are still beneficiaries of the growth in the tourism market

National Bureau of Statistics: In terms of non-food items, the demand for summer travel is strong, with airfare, tourism, and hotel accommodation prices rising by 22.1%, 9.4%, and 5.8% respectively. These increases are higher than the average level of the same period in the past decade, collectively affecting a CPI increase of about 0.24 percentage points on a month-on-month basis, accounting for nearly half of the total CPI increase.

Recently, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and other departments issued the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the High-Quality Development of Public Services in Tourism", proposing measures such as "strengthening the construction of tourism transportation infrastructure" and "promoting the renovation of tourism facilities for the convenience of the people".

Ma Li, head of the Industry Development Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, stated at a press conference of the State Council Information Office on the 9th that the next step is to leverage the role of cultural and tourism consumption in promoting growth and benefiting the people. In terms of enriching consumer welfare activities, we will continue to carry out national cultural and tourism consumption promotion activities, encourage various regions to implement diversified measures such as preferential tickets for scenic spots, cultural and tourism consumption vouchers, and discounts, benefiting the people and enterprises. Promote the integration of culture and tourism with related industries, optimize consumer welfare activities, promote catering, accommodation, sports, digital, green, health consumption, etc., innovate cultural and tourism consumption scenarios, enrich personalized and customized product offerings, and meet diverse consumer needs.

CITIC Securities released a research report stating that the "Opinions of the State Council on Promoting the High-Quality Development of Service Consumption" emphasizes stimulating and strengthening the development of consumption in the fields of culture, entertainment, tourism, sports, and digital, which is conducive to the healthy growth of the media, internet industry, and companies.

China Galaxy Securities research report indicates that the summer travel data reflects the resilience of the summer tourism market demand. Coupled with the high proportion of summer scenic spot performance in the whole year and the potential performance elasticity brought by high operating leverage, OTA as a traffic platform remains the absolute beneficiary of the tourism market growth . The current industry competition landscape is improving, with rapid growth in outbound tourism business, and the future growth space is expected to expand.

Tourism OTA Platforms:

Trip.com-S (09961), TONGCHENGTRAVEL (00780)